annie_things Member


  • "For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general." It could be argued... but it wasn't directed at her and she just happened to overhear something she disapproved of, so it's hard to name as harassment.
  • I wear yoga pants/shorts, but I always try to buy the roll down type- if you don't fold it you have high waisted yoga shorts!
  • Don't beat yourself up if life gets in the way. Yes, it's always better to be consistent. But your workouts revolve around your life, not the other way around. I'd say skipping a day or two is natural, but just try not to let it be more than that. Even if it's walking around the block it's better to keep up some sort of…
  • If you don't like confrontation you're going to have to deal with a lot of bad behavior in life. You don't need to be mean, but just a loud throat clear should do the trick. If it doesn't than you can say "excuse me" or something funny but designed to shut them down. If they don't move to a more private area than you can…