
Hello, everyone!
I don't know if anyone else here as this problem. I will exercise faithfully for two or three weeks and then one week I will just stop because something came up during the day and left me with the choice to do homework or to work out. Most of the time, I choose the former. I usually work out at night because I can't get up at 5:30 in the morning. How do you guys keep everything on schedule? Or do you just say "One day won't kill me/keep going on the morrow" type thing?

Thanks! ( I am still actively exercising, I just missed four days in a row :/)


  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I add my workouts to my calendar so it is pre-scheduled and part of my every day routine. I'm like you -- I work out after work because I cannot wake up early in the morning! I like having everything on my calendar because if something comes up -- I can just move my workout to another day of the week. Maybe try that and see if it helps? I feel pretty guilty when I miss a workout... for me, it's important to burn calories because I LOVE to eat... if I miss a workout, I really have to watch what I eat. :smile:
  • savannahribeiro
    savannahribeiro Posts: 194 Member
    Oh, thank you! I am in the exact same boat (I love food) and I feel really bad if I miss a work out even if it's for a legit reason. I will try the scheduling idea :)
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    For months the only way I kept it up is with maintaining a streak. I made sure to run at least 1.5 miles every day. At this point it's part my daily schedule so I don't need the streak.
  • annie_things
    annie_things Posts: 5 Member
    Don't beat yourself up if life gets in the way. Yes, it's always better to be consistent. But your workouts revolve around your life, not the other way around.
    I'd say skipping a day or two is natural, but just try not to let it be more than that. Even if it's walking around the block it's better to keep up some sort of routine to stay on the schedule.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    There are "off weeks" (i.e. last week was crazy; I aim to run 3x/wk and lift 3x/wk. Instead i ran twice and lifted once) but I do the best I can and just keep going. It also helps that I have a FB group that does daily workout check-ins. It's great motivation and accountability!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Make a realistic workout schedule and stick to it. If something genuinely comes up reschedule if possible. If rescheduling isn't possible it is okay to cut yourself some slack and miss a workout occassionally. If it starts happening more than about once a month you need to sit down and review what's going on. Are you missing workouts because of legitimate reasons or are you making excuses? If you're missing workouts frequently, is your schedule realistic? If your schedule isn't realistic, than make one that works for you.

    For example, I do most of my workouts after work because that's what I like. However I know that I find it mentally challanging to workout on a Friday after work so I make that the exception to the rule and suck it up and do a morning or lunch time workout. I can live with it because it means I can relax after work and I usually get a sleep in Sat

    Just a matter of finding what fits into your life and then commiting to it.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Also, it's not a bad idea to make it a rule that you'll never miss more than one workout in a row. If you skip one for whatever reason you know you have to make the next one. That stops one missed workout spiralling into a week or a month of time off