^^^ this is the "thing" I promised would change your life... wherever Allen Carr's spirit is, I hope he can feel all the energy from people who's lives he's still saving with his book. if anyone wants a copy of it in pdf form, just shoot me an email at the address I put up above. most importantly.... PAY IT FORWARD!
balls-up... the amount of weight you gain after quitting smoking is negligible. if you're determined enough to clean up your outside, you should be just as determined to clean up your inside. ... If you're serious about quitting, email me at giml0ck[at] and I'll send you something that'll change your life.
Don't know about the Bally's product, but I know people have said great things about Anderson Silva's (MMA fighter) MUAY THAI dvds. However these aren't particularly workout dvds, but would be geared more towards being awesome AND losing weight.