stepkatq Member


  • Isagenix might work as a useful jumping off point if you are just getting started or are feeling a bit overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to eat. If you just want something to start on to get the ball rolling, while using that time to sort out the finer details of your nutrition. My general thoughts are that it is…
  • fit bit one was my pick. I didn't want anything that was on display like the wrist bands as they aren't appropriate in my workplace and I didn't want it as a conversation starter. The fitbit one is unobtrusive, clips on my bra & I totally forget it it there. I also really like the ability to see my progress on the device…
  • feel free to add me too. I am 28 and from Australia. I have about 20lbs/8-9kg left to lose.
  • I had 2 moments of clear 'this stops now!' First was starting a new job and being terrified that I wouldn't fit into the largest size available in the provided work pants (It was a tight squeeze!) and a photo taken with my newborn nephew..I looked horrendous. I had gained over 90lbs in 2 years... and I was in denial. I too…
  • I have had my one for a couple of weeks, loving it! feel free to add me :)
  • I will often have breakfast if I know lunch is going to be late and I don't want to find myself in temptation land and make a bad decision. I don't have breakfast on my work days as my lunch is scheduled early (11:30am) and I then have an afternoon snack instead. I think it's all about whatever suits your day :) I have…
  • Salad + protein source+ a good fat, is my easiest work lunch and I find it fills me up for about 6/7 hours (but I do have a coffee on my tea break around 3) . I have a base mixed salad (baby spinach, capcicum (aka peppers) and cucumber) and then I add different protein each day so I don't get bored. Sometimes leftover…
  • you are not alone, chocolate is my biggest weakness (along with really good quality ice cream :smile: ) I too am terrible at the whole moderation thing when it comes to chocolate, if I have it, I will keep eating it. I am trying really hard at the moment to cut chocolate out completely (as part of reducing sugar in…
  • hi, I am in also in need of motivating friends, will send you a request :) I am also 5'8, mid 20's highest weight ~ 203lbs *101.6kg current: ~ 159 lbs *71.6kg goal: 135-140lbs *60-62
  • I am loving the fitbit one. It is so comfortable to wear! So much so, that for the first week I kept feeling between my boobs to make sure it was still there! I don't have overly large boobs but as other have said, doubt it would be a problem even if you did. I wear it clipped to the centre facing out. Very occasionally in…