What got you started? When was it finally enough!

Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I'd like to hear from all of you what made you get started on either you weight loss or weight gain journey? What was it that finally made you think 'Enough is enough!'

For me, I was a bullied youngster at about 16 years old and decided enough was enough, I no longer wanted to be that skinny kid who everyone referred me to as. I no longer wanted to be called 'Rickett' which is a name given to me which referred to people with Rickets Disease..

I finally decide I'd start to gym and finally put meat on my bones, now I'm much more confident that before and no longer bullied!


  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
  • I was bullied relentlessly from the age of 7 by my brother. He called me fat everyday until he left home (when I was 14).
    I was tired of dressing like an old fat woman to prevent more remarks or hiding out in my house like a hermit lol. I wanted to become hot and prove everyone wrong.
    Funny that if I look at myself as a kid now I was only ever chubby for one year of my life. Funny how an opinion changes the view of yourself.
    Half of my motivation was sorta-revenge tbh. I wanted to be able to turn down anyone who had previously been a *kitten* to me.
    Goal reached :bigsmile:
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    It was a picture. On my 25th birthday, I was tagged on Facebook by a friend who took a full-body candid picture of me. Up until then, sure, I was aware that I was at my heaviest, but I thought I "carried it well." Turns out, not so much. Without the opportunity to pose and angle myself for a good-looking photo, I was unrecognizable. That was my push.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    That's so true! I've noticed it's often flaws, not even really visible, that get pointed out by one person and they stick with you forever!:indifferent:
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I was bullied relentlessly from the age of 7 by my brother. He called me fat everyday until he left home (when I was 14).
    I was tired of dressing like an old fat woman to prevent more remarks or hiding out in my house like a hermit lol. I wanted to become hot and prove everyone wrong.
    Funny that if I look at myself as a kid now I was only ever chubby for one year of my life. Funny how an opinion changes the view of yourself.
    Half of my motivation was sorta-revenge tbh. I wanted to be able to turn down anyone who had previously been a *kitten* to me.
    Goal reached :bigsmile:

    I say, if revenge provides that oomph you need, use it! Nice job!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    It was a picture. On my 25th birthday, I was tagged on Facebook by a friend who took a full-body candid picture of me. Up until then, sure, I was aware that I was at my heaviest, but I thought I "carried it well." Turns out, not so much. Without the opportunity to pose and angle myself for a good-looking photo, I was unrecognizable. That was my push.

    Hard way to notice.. but hey, at least it happened then and not even later where it'd be more difficult! :)
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Hard way to notice.. but hey, at least it happened then and not even later where it'd be more difficult! :)

    This is SO true. At the time of the picture, I was 225lbs. I was able to lose 60 (of course I gained 24 back, but I've lost it again thank GOD.) I have a friend that I ran into tonight who is 170lbs into a doctor-ordered 240lb weight-loss (no surgery.) God bless her! I can't imagine being strong enough to take that on!
  • For me, this started earlier this year. But got swept up by life and started to slip back into old habits that put me further from my goal of being a wild land firefighter. But now, I just want to loose some weight and what not. That is what got me to download the app and join the site. Today will be my first day. Lets see how this goes.
  • krissenior
    krissenior Posts: 68 Member
    Looking down in the shower and not being able to see what i thought i would be able to, quite cliche but very true, now im coming up on a year since i started using MFP and started training and ive never felt better in my life :D
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Seeing myself in pictures and clothes becoming too tight (not willing to go to the next size).
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I decided enough was enough after seeing photos of myself at Christmas and then again in a friends wedding photos around Christmas time. My clothes were feeling very tight and not looking very nice. My bf used to help me zip up a work dress (zipper was on the side). One day he was trying to zip the dress and told me it would not budge, i was so embarrassed. As i type this i am wearing that dress, i zipped it up myself this morning and there is plenty of room to breath in it now lol. Sometimes i look at those old pics and it keep me on track. Am nearly at goal weight and i now feel confident. :)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I dont know. when I realized my baby was almost 9 months I figured I recovered enough. LOL.

    I was never overweight before or anything but not really in shape either. Hopefully now that will change!!
  • Tonight when I looked in the mirror and cried cause I don't like what I see. I am at the heaviest I have ever been... Even heavier than I was full term pregnant! I lack motivation and have a poor diet and I am hoping that I have finally found the motivation to lose it for good!
  • stepkatq
    stepkatq Posts: 10 Member
    I had 2 moments of clear 'this stops now!' First was starting a new job and being terrified that I wouldn't fit into the largest size available in the provided work pants (It was a tight squeeze!) and a photo taken with my newborn nephew..I looked horrendous. I had gained over 90lbs in 2 years... and I was in denial. I too felt that I 'carried' it reasonably well, but those pictures told a different story! Those moments and the fact that I am in my 20's but I felt ancient, my knees ached and I had no energy. It actually scares me when I think back. Never again.
  • hollymartin90
    hollymartin90 Posts: 57 Member
    Ive always felt a bit uncomfortable with my weight (starting from being a teen)and always half heartedly tried to do something on and off about it...I guess maybe was a bit in denial,but looking at some photos taken when I was my heaviest last year I finally decided to do something proper ..and have lost almost 2 stone since then :)
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Realising my 'baby' was over 1 year old and I was still wearing my maternity jeans!
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    I have battled my weight since H.S, and i was severely bullied and am now being bullied at work. The kicker for me has been that since i started my job i have gained 30 lbs and have had to buy clothes every 3-4 months. Plus i weigh more than my very fit husband and that bothers me. Sorry for being so scattered i'm running on no sleep.
  • Well to be honest, I found pretty boys look down up on me like a slug!! :explode: :mad: and that made me take this journey of weight loss :happy:
  • tryan36
    tryan36 Posts: 2 Member
    Before l had gotten pregnant my clothes were fitting too tight & now since l have given birth to my daughter...l'm back on my program & trying to lose the baby weight/ get into the best shape of my life! Not wanting to remain in these Maternity clothes...is enough motivation for me & a daily reminder. My heaviest was 205lbs, currently l'm 163lbs & my goal weight is 140lbs...slow & steady wins the race!:)
  • shalisa7
    shalisa7 Posts: 56 Member
    Enough was enough for me when my daughter mentioned me resting my tea on my shelf under my boobs lol. I hated the feeling of my arms resting on rolls and my belly sticking out further than my boobs. After 4 weeks my shelf has reduced a lot and I feel so much better already x
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