We have a family membership to PF and also the YMCA. I like PF because I love the ARC trainers and the staff is so friendly. I also love tanning so its a great deal. At the YMCA - they have a lot of fitness classes I like and a sauna which I double love. Whatever works for you - go for it. :)
day 1 down and I loved the first work out - chisel balance.
I just started and so far really like it. Some stuff is a little above my abilities and I need to modify a little but all in all I think its a great program.
I just took the class and it was more fun - for me - to do with people versus in my home.
great eyebrows!
Mall cop
Kate hudaon
the guy that sings mambo number 5
go to the ballet
Martini bar
go to sephoria!
ralph lauren
The guy who plays Jax teller
very cool haircut
kristin stewart
Clinique "happy"
Star wars figurines
Boogie Nights
Positive and optimistic
She's going somewhere!
Dalmatian puppies
Japanese resteraunt
Nice arms!
Great hair
Drives a VW