methven Member


  • Go for it! I'm on Week 11 and love it. Lots of different workouts to keep you motivated and you definitely won't get bored. I love the HIIT workouts - very intense!! Plus the Fire 30/45/55 etc are great too. I'm less keen on the Tone/Sculpt sessions but I know they have to be done:-). I've only lost about 7 lbs but lots of…
  • 30 Day Shred is great. I'm doing Turbo Fire at the moment and absolutely love it.
  • Definitely lunges and squats! Whilst I don't have huge thighs I used to have sadllebags. A few months of Jillian's dvds (which have loads of lunges and squats) sorted them out :-) Good luck!
  • SW 154 CW 149 GW 133