

  • I was kind of wondering the same thing. I gained 74 lbs while pregnant and I am just now taking the steps to get it off but I also would like to have another baby in the next year or so. I bet this would be a wonderful tool! Let me know what you find out! :)
  • Actually ALL soda is bad for you. You're right though. Artificial sweetener DOES trick your brain into thinking its getting a sweet treat so it act accordingly! Congrats on figuring that out and good luck to you! Thanks for sharing!
  • If you wanted to be very close to what the actual calorie count is..... I would add everything separately. Ground beef (specify the fat to meat ratio), the type of cheese, mayo, no mayo.....ect. AND if this is something that you make often and exactly the same way, then you could save it into your recipes on this web site.…
  • I think that this site gives you a goal of calories for being sedentary. The more you move, the more calories you can consume. The 1200 calorie goal is if you just sit on your butt all day and still want to loose weight. An active person should have more and you will see when you add your exercises that you "earn" more…
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