jtogden Member


  • Happy 2014 to you! I was a bit reckless with my holiday calories, but back on it starting today! Let's get it done this year!
  • Hey man...yeah, I hit the 275 mark a while back (a few years ago). When I (re)started on August 20th of this year, I was at 250.2. Four months later, December 20th, (today!) I hit 220.2 for exactly 30 pounds lost in four months. How did I do it? First thing I would say is, get on MFP and set your goals to losing 2 pounds…
  • Ha! Ironic that the Houstonian-pusher has a Denver Bronco as her icon! :)
  • Alpha - Cardio (W3D4) done. La dee da...just me posting. Anyone else out there?
    in Week 3 Comment by jtogden November 2013
  • Alpha - Lower Focus (W3D3) done. Since I did this by itself (and not in addition to another exercise like two Fridays ago), I actually felt better about it and didn't hurt my knees. My quads are definitely feeling it. I don't really like the one-legged calf jumps, so I just do calf raises. This one definitely worked my…
    in Week 3 Comment by jtogden November 2013
  • Alpha - Spee 1.0 (W3D2) done. I was able to focus this morning. I got enough sleep last night and that made a big difference in my production. I'm now feeling no after effects from my cold, so I'm good to keep working hard.
    in Week 3 Comment by jtogden November 2013
  • Alpha - Total Body Circuit (W3D1) done. This one is still a beast. My wrists start hurting with all the plank and pushups and jumping to squats from being on the floor. It's certainly a good work out, but at some point, my wrists just can't handle anymore. I was doing plank and just shaking. I looked ahead and on Week 5…
    in Week 3 Comment by jtogden November 2013
  • Alpha - Abs (W2D5) done. I didn't do the lower focus because I'm running a 5k tomorrow night...the goal is to just NOT walk...even if I slow down to creeping jog, I will be ok with that. I haven't run a lot lately since I have just been doing workout videos, but I did get out to the track last week and I ran a mile at a…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden November 2013
  • Alpha - Cardio (W2D4) done. Since I took a week off (sick), my legs were sore today after Speed 1.0. I had a tough day at work yesterday too, which demoralized me for this morning's workout. It wasn't as productive as I would have liked. Tomorrow, I plan to just do the Ab workout because I'm running a 5k on Saturday…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Speed 1.0 (W2D3) done. Ok, back at it after taking one week off for being sick...just hoping to pick back up where I left off and power through. I was a little tired this morning from not having worked out in a week, but I got a good sweat in. In the week I was off, I kept to my diet and lost another 2 pounds…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Thanks, RadianWear. Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better today. I've decided since I did Monday and Tuesday's workouts last week, I will just pick back up on Wednesday for the rest of the week and start week 3 next week. Not fun getting sick this past weekend, but I did manage to stay on my diet for the most part. Back at it on…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Still sick...no working out today. Will have to start this week over again next week I suppose.
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Well, I got sick...sick enough that I didn't get up to do my workout today. Depending on how I feel, I might try and work out tonight, but probably not. I'll see if I can get back on track tomorrow and maybe workout Saturday to stay within the week. If I can't, I might just start week two over next week...I hate these lost…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Total Body (W2D2) Done. Unlike yesterday's workout, today's was tough. I felt like I had no energy and might be coming down with a cold. My throat is scratchy and I feel a bit achey. I'm going to take it easy today and start pounding Vitamin C when I get home...try to make it an early night. I really don't want to…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Cardio (W2D1) Done. This was already easier than last week. I managed to do all of Week 1 (with the exception of stretching on Sunday)...even though I struggled through it. I had a bad weekend on the 11th, 12th, 13th, so I was feeling heavy last week. I had a great weekend this past weekend and felt light on my…
    in Week 2 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Cardio & Lower Focus (W1D5) done. Ugghh...I actually hurt my knee and quad doing both of these this morning. I got up early to get both done. I decided to do it in the order they suggested (Cardio then Lower), but I'm not sure that was the right thing to do. There is already some lower focus in the cardio, so I…
    in Week 1 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Ab Interval (W1D4) done. I like this workout...except for the V-sits. After the first progression of V-sits, I physically couldn't do them anymore. I didn't see what the modified version was, so I just started doing crunches. At least I kept moving throughout the workout. Overall, I enjoyed this one.
    in Week 1 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Alpha - Total Body (W1D3) done! Man this one was hard. I was reverting back to some of my 30 Day Shred movements with the plank parts. I had never seen the spider plank / push up move, and I actually liked it. But, anything with moving from plank to squat was impossible for me. I am definitely feeling achy after that…
    in Week 1 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • Focus T25 Alpha - Speed 1.0 complete. There's a lot of movement in this one! I wasn't able to keep up with my footwork as well as I should have been...guess I'll work my way up to it. Overall, a good work out.
    in Week 1 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • I just started today as well...this morning to be exact. Only advice I have is get into a routine. Try and do it at the same time every day (if possible) and do it like you brush your teeth every day...just rote. I'll add you so we can track progress. I'll also be posting on the site most days. Day 1 - Cardio - Done!
  • I'm a week behind, but I started today! I had to finish the 30 Day Shred since I made a committment. So, I did the first Cardio this morning. I thought about skipping the first week to join you all, but I figured this is a lifestyle change rather than a one time deal, so I'll just complete the workouts in the order in…
    in Week 1 Comment by jtogden October 2013
  • 1) Your Name and Where You Live - Tommy, Houston, TX 2) How is your current fitness? - About to start week 5 (Level 3) of 30 day shred 3) What are your fitness goals? - Lose weight. I have been looking for a program after the 30DS (to continue my morning routine) and I think this one will work well with my schedule. Also,…