hadorc01 Member


  • Hey Erin, I've been doing paleo mostly for the last 5 years. I'd say I'm about 80/20 (80% paleo, 20% not) and I really only fall off the wagon on vacations or holidays and such. If you're doing paleo for intolerances (which is what it sounds like) there is a lot of goodies you can make so you stay within the primal…
  • If we don't cook in the crock pot - dinner isn't happening. There are some amazing paleo crockpot cook books out there but you can just google some. If you can get something in the crockpot then you'll have a lot of leftovers. On Sundays I will cook a traditional meal (no slow cooker) and use my two crockpots for two…
  • Welcome!!
  • If you have never used KT tape (Kinesiology Tape) it does wonders for my husband's PF. We order it off of amazon for about 10$ a roll, and you can wear it in the shower. If you apply the tape properly, it will last about 4 days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mZUKNkMPG4
  • Calories can be so scary! But just remember, I think someone mentioned it already, that yes, a calorie is a calorie, but where it came from makes all the difference. It's not this simple, but the best way to think about it is, if it comes from a healthier place it's going to burn faster. For example calories that come from…