bribrijean234 Member


  • Week 9 weigh in: Highest weight: 226.5 Starting weight: (01/19/14) 222.0 1/26/14: 217.6 2/02/14: 214.8 2/09/14: 211.4 2/16/14: 207.8 2/23/14: 206.6 3/02/14: 202.8 3/09/14: 203.0 3/16/14: 200.6 3/23/14: 199.2 Made it under 200!!!! 27.3 lbs lost so far!!!
  • Congratulations!!! This morning was actually the first time I weighed in under 200 as well! Scale said 199.8 and I did a crazy happy dance right then and there :) it's an amazing feeling for sure
  • I'm definitely ready! I don't know what came over me this afternoon but I totally binged... Ate one thing then would immediately go back for something else over and over... And of course I do this when I'm within .6 of the 200 lb mark so that just pisses me off all the more. I need some accountability.
  • Week 8 weigh in: Highest weight: 226.5 Starting weight: (01/19/14) 222.0 1/26/14: 217.6 2/02/14: 214.8 2/09/14: 211.4 2/16/14: 207.8 2/23/14: 206.6 3/02/14: 202.8 3/09/14: 203.0 3/16/14: 200.6 Back on track! And less than a pound away from breaking that 200 mark milestone!
  • Missed a few days of the squat, plank and burpee challenges due to my moving this past weekend... need to do some catch up! Good thing is, even though I skipped my normal workouts, moving itself was a crazy workout of its own! I am still somewhat sore from it! On a really good note though as of this morning, I am down a…
  • BIG NSV this morning! My size 14 work pants fit again! I can actually buy pants at Express again! Woohoooo! Two sizes down that i never want to see again ever... and if i get down another size, i can actually wear most of the clothes in my closet again!
  • So i moved this past weekend and with all the craziness and then complete exhaustion after it all, i forgot to do my weekly weigh in! Week 7 weigh in: Highest weight: 226.5 Starting weight: (01/19/14) 222.0 1/26/14: 217.6 2/02/14: 214.8 2/09/14: 211.4 2/16/14: 207.8 2/23/14: 206.6 3/02/14: 202.8 3/08/14: 203.0 even though…
  • The length doesn't bother me, 3 months sounds good to me. It's probably easiest for me to do weigh ins etc on Sunday as the rest of my week tends to be pretty hectic.
  • I like the idea! I'm in!
  • Welcome back! Lizz - you can totally do this! just look at each day as an opportunity to do a little bit better than the day before. :) Getfitgal - im so sorry to hear about your troubles with coming off of Clomid and TTC... while i have never been in that situation, i completely understand how frustrating and stressful it…
  • I'm 5'6" in the middle of my weight loss journey and struggling with PCOS, I'm down almost 24 lbs from 226.5 since January. I'm counting my calories and limiting the amount of processed foods I eat. For exercise I usually do a minimum of 40 minutes of Zumba most nights and this month I added in some body weight challenges:…
  • Thanks Everyone! I have two big containers of lentils - one green, one red... so the more recipes the better to experiment with : ) seltzermint - that winter soup sounds REALLY good... like the idea of putting sweet potato with it!
  • Wooo! Kickin butt with these! I actually feel like today was easier than yesterday :) guess my body is getting back in the grove cuz I used to be able to do dozens in a row. Soon enough baby!
  • Week 6 weigh in: Highest weight: 226.5 Starting weight: (01/19/14) 222.0 1/26/14: 217.6 2/02/14: 214.8 2/09/14: 211.4 2/16/14: 207.8 2/23/14: 206.6 3/02/14: 202.8
  • Luna gluten free protein bars are good
  • :) We are in this together! and i bet we will surprise ourselves and find we CAN do it :)
  • If you are already at that low of a weight and you want to decrease your body fat percentage you should probably change your strategy from weight loss to lifting and building lean muscle.
  • Just as a general rule... Coffee is great and lattes are amazingly delicious, BUT they won't give you the nutrition you need to fuel your body. If you are going to have them, find a way to make it fit in your day while still eating well rounded meals. Coffee does not a meal make... Especially if you are often replacing…
  • Congrats Kelsey that's awesome! Way to go!
  • That sounds fantastic! Thanks!
  • Ghiradelli twilight intense dark chocolate square (72% cocoa) with a tiny bit of peanut butter or almond butter spread across the top :)
  • ^this. Cant believe a doctor would offer such drastic "advice" without guidance on the proper way to get adequate nutrition on such an extreme diet. And worse yet, that lap band surgery would even be suggested to someone your size who is clearly not obese! If it were me, I'd definitely question her on the spot and then go…
  • I know what you mean! I taste salt in soda which is why I haven't had soda in years except in very rare occasions. I taste it in everything! And sugar - definitely noticed a change in my tastes since cutting most of the processed stuff out, icing used to be too sugary for me well now the cake itself just doesn't look…
  • Oh, duh. And here I was looking for an MFP feature... Hadn't thought of that since I typically read everything via my iPhone. Thanks
  • You can add it as a favorite??? Please explain because for the life of me I have not figured out how to do that, and frankly yes it is annoying to read a thread and see "bump" over and over again but I am of course guilty of doing such. Please enlighten us :) and thank you in advance!
  • I have PCOS and insulin resistance, and I've had miscellaneous stomach/digestion issues since I was a teen. I was tested recently for celiacs disease and the results were negative. My doctor suggested I could still be gluten intolerant (which On a side note: I've noticed that many women with PCOS have sensitivities to…
  • Ummm ... YUM!!!!!! Don't even care how healthy at the moment they look sooo good! Lol besides IIFYM go for it :)
  • Ok yeah def in... I can do this :) challenges are meant to be challenging and burpees definitely fall in that category!
  • You have every right to be "selfish" when it comes to losing weight! It's your body and you are going to have to live in it for the rest of your life... And that being said I think we all would prefer to look better, be fitter, and frankly reap the benefits of that and in doing so likely live longer! Furthermore, to lose…
  • Hi Sara, welcome! Struggling with PCOS can seem like such an uphill battle but it's not an impossible one! Having support and knowing you aren't alone can be a huge help- I know it's definitely made a big difference for me and surely many others in this group/on this site as well. Feel free to add me :)