Fit_Chef_NE Member


  • There is no such thing as a "bad food". There is just too much of a good thing sometimes. Also restriction diets (like keto) won't work long term for 99% of people. Are you really never going to eat bread again? If you will, you are better off just learning to moderate because as soon as you break ketosis, you will go…
  • It works exactly the way any other diet works. Calories in are less than calories out. It isn't a magic bullet. Great if it works for you, but any "science" that says it works better than other diets is bogus. This woman is just taking your money and telling you things you could look up on the internet for free. If you…
  • Calorie cycling saved my life. I started my diet at about 1200 calories/day. At first I dropped weight like crazy. Then after a month, the weight loss just. stopped. I kept doing what I was doing for another month, sure that it was just a plateau and that I would start to see the scale move again soon. I was just…
  • Unless you ate 7000 extra calories last night, you didn't gain 2 pounds. It's water retention. It will even out in a few days.
  • You can become mentally and emotionally addicted to sugar. I'd wager that most people here either were or are addicted to sugar or other foods. Otherwise they wouldn't be here. Fit people "love" food because they see it for what it is: fuel. Fat people eat compulsively or to fill an emotional void in their lives. Much like…
  • Any successful diet will take lots of prepping and planning. At least, any healthy diet. But good for you that you are broadening your horizons with vegetables! That will make eating healthy much easier. A lot of folks on these boards will promote losing weight by eating all the ice cream and pizza you want (as long as it…
  • The first ten pounds fell off in about 3 weeks. It has been much slower going ever since, about 7 pounds in the last two months. I am not trying to lose a lot at once though.
  • It will work if you eat with a calorie deficit. If you eat a calorie surplus, no pill on Earth will prevent you from losing weight. Just like calories cannot be created from nothing, weight loss cannot be created from no effort either.
  • For bloating I drink water. ALL. THE. WATER. :tongue: Okay, not ALL the water, but I drink between 64-100oz per day, depending on how hot it is, how much I work out etc. It has made a HUGE difference in my bloating, even during my TOM. Still, nothing makes the bloating go away altogether during those few days. I just deal…
  • Almost all resorts have a gym on the grounds. Make sure to use it in the morning before you set out to have fun. I tried to eat two very sensible meals a day while on vacation, usually breakfast and lunch, and then was a little more lenient at dinner time because, come on, I'm on vacation! I also made sure to walk…
  • I had to think of it this way when I started: I have been following my "instinct" about how much to eat for my whole life and guess what? I am overweight. Maybe it's time to trust the science behind calorie tracking instead of listening to my inner voice. My inner voice has been wrong thus far, why would I keep doing…
  • You will be fine, but will likely see an initial weight gain. Don't let it freak you out. Grains often make you retain water, but that isn't REAL weight gain, it's water weight. Your body needs more water when you eat them. I ate paleo for a time and added foods back in slowly. First legumes, then dairy and then the…
  • OP, you come off as a snotty know-it-all teenager in your post. That said, people really do sabotage themselves by trying to eat too little and then either ending up exhausted and drained or so hungry that they binge and give up. Better to eat a little more and keep the scale moving down than try to maximize your weight…
  • You will never succeed with weight loss until you accept that there is no magic secret to losing weight fast. You just have to eat at a caloric deficit and wait. Then to keep it off, you have to eat at a reasonable calorie level for the rest of your life. If you don't adopt eating habits that are sustainable and realistic…
  • Any kind of extreme restriction will help with weight loss, as long as you keep a calorie deficit. What is more important in the long term is that the changes that are made are sustainable for life. Otherwise as soon as you return to your old habits, the weight will return. I try to be as realistic as possible when it…
  • I swear to God, I started losing more weight consistently when I upped my calories. I am one of those people who gives things my all, and when I started trying to lose weight, I ate between 900-1200 calories a day. At first, the weight fell off. Then about a month in it all. stopped. I did a search on MFP and saw many…
  • Well... there are a few "magic bullets" for weight loss but they're not exactly legal or healthy. :laugh:
  • Crossing things off a to-do list is the best feeling!
  • Increase your water and make those 1200 calories high in protein and vegetables. You will make yourself sick eating 1200 calories of nutritionally void simple carbs. Increasing water helped me drop weight after a long plateau. My body was holding on to water weight because I was dehydrated. The first time I broke a plateau…
  • I was GF and paleo for a while and now I have loosened the paleo part but still hardly ever eat gluten. I eat a lot of potatoes because they have so much potassium and magnesium. I also make noodles from zucchini or spaghetti squash. I eat a limited amount of dairy as well. When I was strict paleo, it was the dairy I…
  • Italian seafood dishes are to DIE for. Hopefully there will be something reasonable with seafood. If not, just make up for it by cutting a little here and there this week and doing an extra workout. When I really want to have a good time, I just cut 100-200 calories from the days surrounding the event. Then I don't even…
  • Here's one recipe for something that won't take a lot of time to prepare (although it takes a good bit of time on the slow cooker, but set it and forget it right?) Veggie broth: 1 onion quartered 4 carrots roughly chopped 4 stalks celery garlic to taste (I love garlic and add like 4 cloves, but this is up to you) any extra…
  • I am not a vegetarian, but I love vegetarian meals. I buy my beans dry to avoid sodium since it's something I have to avoid. Just make sure to prepare them as written on the package. Soaking them overnight is usually an option which can be a huge time saver. I make a lot of healthy curries that I can freeze and pull out…
  • You could also add a little nutella to the chocolate for a real treat.
  • Make your own "ice cream" bar. Melt down some dark chocolate over a double boiler. stab a popsicle stick into a semi-frozen banana (put banana in the freezer for maybe 15-30 minutes) Dip banana into the chocolate. Freeze. If you want to add a delicious twist, coat the banana in peanut butter first, then coat in chocolate.…
  • Eat more protein, fat and vegetables. Eat less carbohydrates and sugar. Before people jump down my throat for that, let me explain. You will be more full from protein and fat than from simple carbs. You can eat less and feel more full. You won't get the blood sugar spikes that make you feel so hungry that you feel ill. It…
  • Being shamed is what got me wanting to be healthy in the first place. But I'm not a delicate little flower so....
  • "Diets" don't work. Changes in lifestyle that are sustainable do. Sure, you lose the weight, but if you don't adopt changes that will be easy to stick to for the rest of your life, it will all come back on. Maybe you can eat 500 calories every other day for the rest of your life. I know I couldn't. And the moment you go…
  • I have a proper treat where my calories allow it. On days when I'm short, I eat a square or 2 of 90% lindt dark chocolate. It totally sates my inner chocoholic. I usually add a good helping of berries. Delicious together.
  • You can lead a horse to water... well, you know the rest. Sorry he was sneaking pizza. Hopefully the resulting pain will make him decide it was a bad idea. Celiacs is pretty ugly down the road if a person doesn't avoid gluten.