Fit_Chef_NE Member


  • More likely a placebo effect like most anecdotal evidence. Your experiment with coffee is flawed by your own personal bias and disproved by the experiences of other people. I mean, if you think it works, go for it. I just think the tooth grinding isn't going to stop that easily. The carnivore diet itself is filled with a…
  • This is all great, but no, I shouldn't have to expect that some dude is going to bother me. I have my headphones on. I'm here to workout. Leave me alone. Having breasts doesn't mean I have to smile at you and be an ornament. I will always be polite and friendly, but if you stare at me while I do squats and say something…
  • I used to take it personally that my body can't eat the amount of food that I want to eat and stay at a healthy size. I would start a diet or program and quietly resent it the whole time. It was partly because I had no education on nutrition or weight. I really thought that thin people were just luckier than I am and could…
  • I tried keto for a while, but my body was tired and grouchy without carbs. I am an active person. I did lose weight and stuck with it for months, but it just isn't for me. I never stopped dreaming of pasta and my homemade breads or bagels. For me, it wasn't a life worth living. I did feel good when I wasn't exhausted. I…
  • Ah, I should have checked before bothering to respond. This has just become a typical mudslinging political debate. Anyone who makes a medical issue into a political one is brainwashed beyond redemption no matter which side they're on. Everyone speaks in "talking points" now. Not a single original thought. It's so sad and…
  • While using the equipment? No. There is no reason to at my gym. I go at 4 am, there is usually no one there. When walking around in the locker rooms where I might get closer to people? Yes. I have a child with a compromised immune system so I take it more seriously than most people.
  • I notice that the Crossfit enthusiasts in this thread do not mention the credentials of the people who are instructing them. That concerns me quite a bit. If at all possible, find someone who actually knows how to do the lifts and exercises without causing long term damage to your body. It may feel okay now, but become a…
  • I should add that there is nothing wrong with having a friend or group to workout with and talk to. But if you rely on them too much, it can become a crutch. Fitness and health is an individual journey and everyone gets there at their own pace. Sometimes comparison can ruin your happiness with your own progress.
  • If you were lying to yourself before, what's going to stop you from lying to your friend? If it works, good for you. I try to have accountability within myself so that I won't have the excuse of other people slacking to keep me from going to the gym. I have heard way too many people use friends as an excuse. ie: "I used to…
  • Whenever someone starts going on and on about "gut health" and they aren't a proctologist, they are a quack selling snake oil.
  • We have this where I live in the US and I love it. It means I don't have to do extensive research on places in town before I feel safe ordering within my macros. I have seen it trigger the "fat positivity" types, but honestly, I think they need a reality check anyway.
  • No. Lying to yourself is not empowerment. Not being to go up the stairs is dangerous. Being unable to get up if you fall is dangerous. Having so much weight on your body that you can suffocate from lying down to sleep is dangerous. Taking control of your life and doing what you can to fix that situation is what real…
  • If you want long term success, eat as much as you can while still losing weight. You want to maintain as much muscle as possible while you lose. It will have nicer aesthetic look, but it will also be more sustainable. You gained it slowly, you should lose it slowly. People gain it back because they make drastic lifestyle…
  • I work out at 4:30 AM most of the time. I am NOT a morning person. I just love how quiet the gym is at that hour. It means I can really take my time without feeling like an equipment hog. It also means that I don't have a workout hanging over my head all day. I get in, get out and then go on with my morning. I am a…
  • I maintain my muscle mass during a cut by lifting as heavy as I can in that period. I still lose some muscle, since that is how it works when you are dropping weight, but I usually don't see much loss of strength, if any. I also alter my macros to be at least 30% protein (35% is better) and I eat at least 40g of that…
  • In 30 weeks you will build some muscle, but it takes years to put on many pounds of muscle, especially for genetically born women. We simply don't have the muscle fibers that men have to pack on serious weight in pure muscle. It can be done with performance enhancing drugs (which is what a lot of the body building…
  • I am in the US and I am back at the gym. I wear masks when I'm not at the weights or a machine and I wash my hands multiple times. As much as I fear the virus, my mental health was REALLY suffering without my gym time.
  • I eat 20-40g of lean protein in the hour after my morning workout and find that it helps build muscle. There is no cheat to cut fat faster.
  • Macros make the difference. How the food is produced does not.
  • It will take 3 months at minimum to take the course and study for the exam when done online. I did it in my spare time, though the last few weeks of studying was intense since I didn't have a medical background. I gave myself 6 months and it was fairly doable. Don't think this will just be some easy thing you can breeze…
  • Don't get a gimmicky certification. I have an ACE certification and it is one of only a few that are considered legitimate enough to get a job. It will take time and you will have to prove that you know the anatomy of bones and muscles and where they attach. You also need a strong understanding of the legal side of…
  • Barbell squats, bench press, bent over barbell row, leg extensions, planks and then ran a few miles. It's good to be back in the gym finally.
  • Taco run! I'm in!
  • It might be time to up your calorie intake. Not sure what your weight and body comp goals are, but there comes a point that you can't build muscle unless you fuel your body to make it.
  • Source: I am a certified personal trainer. This is one of those things that personal trainers look for in the first appointment so they can help you strengthen or stabilize whatever area is a little weak. Without seeing you in person, it would be hard to be certain where the issue is. Usually we work with people to correct…
  • You will want to get more particular about macros. If you want smooth, lean muscles, you have to eat in a way that promotes your body in making that muscle. I also like to eat 20-40g of protein about half an hour after I lift, as there is some science to show that it can help with muscle growth. It is also important to…
  • Muscle building takes WAY longer than fat loss. Also when you are eating at a deficit, you lose muscle at the same time. I agree with the suggestions to take up lifting. You can tweak your diet to make it easier to build muscle (lots of protein!) It will take time to get the look you want, but it will be worth it in the…
  • The good news is that most of that 4lbs is going to be water weight. Generally, eating out means higher levels of sodium and high sodium means the cells will retain fluid to dilute it. Go back to what you were doing before, drink lots of water, and in a few days that number will drop back down. You may even find that you…
  • If you are relatively new to lifting, your body will be retaining water. I sometimes go through entire months with no change on the scale, but I'll lose two or more inches in that time all over. Start measuring your body with a tape measure. The measurements are what really matter.