

  • I'm in! Jan 1=0 Jan 2=50 Jan 3=0 Jan4=170 TOTAL: 220
  • I'm in! Jan 1=0 Jan 2=50 Jan 3=0 Jan4=170 TOTAL: 220
  • Because the ridiculous food industry somehow manages to get by on feeding people poison and looking good doing it, while tobacco companies no longer can. Personally, I think having a regular horrible diet that includes multiple serving of sugar-ladden drinks and fried foods is just as bad for your health as having a few…
  • No so sure if its a good idea to do 30-day shred every day for a month, particularly if you're not used to that kind of vigorous training. Especially for many women who have notoriously weak knees and joints, I feel like weight training every single day (even if it is light weights-all of it still adds up quickly) cannot…
  • Welcome! Feel free to friend me if you want a support buddy! I'm around 5'5" too, weighin 140 lbs.
  • Oh cool, I'm very very far from raw but I try to do it 1-2 days a week. Like you, I usually eat only fruit in the morning, then for lunch either a salad or whatever our company decided to feed us at work, and for dinner I get some sort of cooked veggies/tofu/veggie protein dish. Don't think I'll go entirely raw anytime in…
  • Yeah I agree with this....I lost a lot of weight back in college while drinking 3-4 cups a day, simply because I was too broke to buy extra food outside of my meal plan and thus even though it made me hungry, I just bore through it until dinner or the next morning. Then when I started working, I noticed I would have the…