Coffee causes weight gain?

Just heard a story that coffee releases cortisol in our bodies which causes weight gain. Urghh...I LOVE my coffee. Anyone have any experience quiting?


  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    I've been trying to give up coffee as well.. mainly because when I drink it I find myself adding cream and sugar, making it even more unhealthy! I recently made the switch to tea (I don't add anything!) but I do miss the flavor of coffee. I found one that tastes dangerously close- celestial seasons vanilla hazelnut. It still has zero calories and it doesn't need cream or sweetener!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ive actually heard that it works as an appetite suppresant and boosts your metabolism cuz of the caffine
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I have not given up coffee yet. I was on a plateau that almost convinced me to try quiting coffee, but I think that might be over. When I hit my next plateau that will be what goes :(... I'm not looking forward to it!
  • crlujan
    crlujan Posts: 59
    I drink coffee everyday. EVERYDAY! I've lost 65 lbs. and am at my goal weight. I even drop some Fat-Free Vanilla Creamer into it. As long as you stck to your guns with your calories and exercise, you'll be good. I refuse to give up my coffee. =)
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    ive actually heard that it works as an appetite suppresant and boosts your metabolism cuz of the caffine

  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I think it's everything in moderation, it can raise cortisol levels, but if you don't have a problem with stress and overworked adrenals, you would probably be fine as long as you aren't consuming more than 2-3 cups per day. The other problem with coffee, is most people go to the coffee shop and get the milk/sugar loaded variety which is a meal of calories all on it's own.

    I'm a one glass of green tea gal :)
  • beck733
    beck733 Posts: 8 Member
    I hope that is not true! I love my coffee too. I have heard that sugar subs. such as splenda can increase your cravings for sugar and make you more hungry. That is why i use the 1/2 slenda 1/2 sugar blend, but I am not sure if there I even notice a difference.
  • ssaemblog
    I've lost about 20 pounds+ and I was drinking coffee every day, aha.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Like pretty much anything in the world, in moderation it'll be fine.

    And anyway, cortisol is more of an appetite-stimulant than something that will *directly* cause weight gain, so if you're controlling your food input you shouldn't have a problem.

    Patients on prednisolone don't necessarily gain weight, but we do have to warn them that they'll have stimulated appetites so they have to be aware of that, otherwise they probably will put on weight. And the steroid-stimulant effect of coffee is not going to be anywhere near like taking steroid tablets every day.
  • caprica
    caprica Posts: 80 Member
    its not the coffee you got to worry about - it is the milk and sugar. A couple of cups of coffee a day with a dash of milk and a sugar is fine. A super sized grande latte with cream on top and an extra caramel shot is where the problems really begin.
  • venessiel
    Like pretty much anything in the world, in moderation it'll be fine.

    And anyway, cortisol is more of an appetite-stimulant than something that will *directly* cause weight gain, so if you're controlling your food input you shouldn't have a problem.

    Patients on prednisolone don't necessarily gain weight, but we do have to warn them that they'll have stimulated appetites so they have to be aware of that, otherwise they probably will put on weight. And the steroid-stimulant effect of coffee is not going to be anywhere near like taking steroid tablets every day.

    Yeah I agree with this....I lost a lot of weight back in college while drinking 3-4 cups a day, simply because I was too broke to buy extra food outside of my meal plan and thus even though it made me hungry, I just bore through it until dinner or the next morning. Then when I started working, I noticed I would have the munchies all day if I drank more than two cups, and when I was in an environment with tons of free snacks around, like my house or some offices, I was constantly putting stuff in my mouth. Obviously that made me put on a few pounds. So I think that the bottom line is, make sure that you are still eating the same amount, coffee or not, and you should be fine.

    Of course, it depends on your body. I had a friend that had some free metabolism assessment as part of his new gym membership package and they told him that his body specifically metabolized caffeine in a way that was more likely to cause fat storage This guy was drinking LOTS of caffeine, though. As in like three Starbucks venti cups.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Definitely heard the opposite, and that coffee - or caffeine - boosts the metabolism... or at the very least, will give you an extra push to workout harder.
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    i drink coffee before my workouts to help me get through it. I think it gives me the intial energy and then I take it from there :)
  • jmecale72
    Coffee is probably my only vice. My wife and I love coffee and I really can't see giving it up anytime soon.
  • rachel1975f
    Drink 1 cup every morning, and I am down 21 pounds since 1/1/11. Like everyone says, moderation is the key :smile:
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Some of these stories that come out should really be in the comics section of the news paper.
  • MightyMom4
    I cut down to just one cup a day... everything in moderation :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    It's not the coffee, it's what you put in it. I still drink 3-6 cups a day in the cold weather and log the cream I use in it. I also drink 10-12 cups of water a day. I haven't noticed an issue with dropping the weight. I have no plans on giving up my coffee!
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Coffee has all of ~5 calories in it-- as long as you aren't adding cream and sugar or milk and syrup to it, youll be fine.