

  • When I hit a wall like this, I give myself a break. Take a day or weekend off. Don't weigh yourself, eat what you want (don't go crazy, but enjoy something you wouldn't normally let yourself have), and then get back to work on Monday. Remind yourself that in the long run, if you stick to it, you'll be a different person a…
  • Sweet! I lost a lot of weight from my bumm so far, and a bit from everywhere else, but I didn't really think I could loose weight in my face. I've been wearing flip flops all summer, so in the next few months when I go back to shoes and boots we'll see how my feet size up! And I guess it's time to go shopping for new…
  • I just finished up with L1D10 and I'm starting L2 tomorrow... I'm a bit nervous, but still super excited! I can't believe how far I've come in just these first few days! Day 1 was so hard, and as I finished up tonight I realized that I wasn't following Anita as much as I was pushing myself with Natalie. Yes! Anyway... Good…
  • That's so exciting! you look so great! I can't wait to follow in your footsteps... I love dresses, but I haven't worn one since I was a kid because I'm so self-conscious of the way I look in them. Way to go, and thanks for the motivation!
  • I just started the 30 day shred, and I finished day 2 this morning... I haven't sweat like that in a while. wow. even though it's kicking my butt... what fun! Good work everyone else! we're that much closer to "being shredded"
  • I hit a point where I was the exact same weight for about two and a half weeks. Normally I would have just given up and thought "it's not possible to loose weight, I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life"... but I didn't give up, and I'm back to loosing weight. Whatever you do, just don't give up! keep going and you'll…
  • Woo!! Congrats and Happy Birthday!!
  • Congrats! That's awesome!
  • Wow! You Rock! Thanks for sharing!
  • Welcome! You can do it! I love chocolate too, but please do yourself a favor by giving that chocolate away. Or at least sharing it with some others, that way you won't end up eating it all by yourself... Italy! That's so exciting! I was there two summers ago, it was beautiful!
  • Congrats! That's awesome! Baby steps are the way to go :) and keep up the good work!
  • Thanks Everyone! I'm going to try these next time I'm "hungry"
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