marissamacko Member


  • So as long as the carbs come from good food such as sweet potato, rice, veggies, etc, I’m still able to lose the weight with a calorie deficit? For some reason it was already drilled into my head that I need lower carb in order to lose weight but it’s not worth it if that makes it Keto (and makes me sick). So I will up my…
  • Thank you so much! I think for now I am going to focus on upper/lower body split. Eventually when I’m comfortable I’ll do full body.
  • I want to be able to look in the mirror and feel happy I am sick of being "obese". So yes you're correct I could probably lose 15 and be happy, but I know I would want to continue to see better improvements so I can get healthier and not eat junk and be lazy like I have been! As for the TDEE it depends...As of right now I…