MissKtana Member


  • I haven't been gaining weight that I know of (as I said, I haven't been weighing myself. Mainly because I dont have a scale) but my muscles are toning back up nicely. Even when I look at my food entries it looks, for the most part, highly nutritious but very low on calories. In the 12 days I've been doing this steadily,…
  • I've been weighing my food by grams. On things that only have cups or ounces as a measurement, I calculate how many grams to the cup/ounce and use that. I'm on 12 days so far and this isn't my first weight loss rodeo. (I gained a lot of weight when I moved from Canada to Europe because they have really amazing cheese and I…
  • Ok, a little bit of a different issue...I never knew I had a weight problem until I saw a pic of me(about 6 months back) and realized just how horrible I looked. I stepped on the scale and BAM 190lbs...Scared the goddess right out of me...So I started to work out and eat healthy. My bf says now that I've lost 30lbs that…