

  • I'm so glad to hear that someone with RA is doing Zumba. I've been wanting to try that out, it looks like SO much fun!! (even though I have absolutely no rhythm or moves. Ha!) Thanks!
  • Hey, thats awesome that your RA doesn't bother you that much. My RA, unfortunately, is pretty active and is all over the place. I have problems with my wrists and hands (like usual), shoulders, ankles, and feet. I have noticed, though, that since I've been more stressed out it's worse. Maybe exercising would actually help…
  • It's been awesome to "meet" all of you!! Thanks for all the advice and support! I'm so glad that there are people in the same boat as me able to fit in workouts, if only we didn't have to sacrifice even more sleep for it! :P I'm going to school for Bioarchaeology (human bones in archaeological contexts), TAing, and am…
  • Your song choices are all of my loves!! Prince, Salt and Peppa, and the ultimate king of pop Michael Jackson. Not only do I rock out to them at the gym, but I also have sing alongs in the car! :) Awesome choices