

  • I love almonds, but a few have posted that they get better by soaking. Might try it! Why not, right?
  • Take it one day at a time! Find little goals you can start adding back in to your day to get yourself back on track. Like tomorrow focus on your water intake. Making sure to flush through your weekend indulgences to start fresh on Monday! Each day is a new day! Set a goal to try a new class next week, and TRACK TRACK TRACK…
  • IF you like carrots, I find having a bag of fresh cut carrot sticks (cut like french fries) in my purse/at my desk during the day HELPS all you want is the 'crunch' and if all you have are carrots...not so bad. Grapes help too! I like fresh - hand cut carrots not the chlorine tasting baby carrots - but whatever works for…