

  • I bought a fitbit, which definitely helps inspire me to take the stairs when I'm on call. It's amazing how motivating a number can be (especially to med students like us, who are typically so goal oriented!!). I also second the packing lunches. It's so much easier to budget food when you have a set amount in your bag. And…
  • It is definitely water weight. Essentially, exercise/weight training means you are damaging muscle cells by putting strain on them. When they repair, they become stronger, bulkier, more able to withstand strain, and you have more muscle. Your bones actually become stronger (or weaker) in the same way, which is why…
  • SW - 60.0 kg CW - 59.6 kg GW (July 31) - 57.5 kg UTG - 50.0 kg July 1 - 59.6 kg July 8 - 58.6 July 15 - 62.0 (new exercise routine = water weight. So discouraging!) July 22 - 58.8 July 29 - Final Weigh In - 1.2 kg in a week is a bit much but we'll see. I'd be REALLY happy if I got to 58!
  • I'm 25 and . . . still in university (8th year of it!). Moan. You guys are making me feel old!!!
  • A lot of it is around combining foods. Fat and protein is the thing that sends the "I'm full" signal to your brain the fastest. When I struggle to feel full, I try to eat something fatty. Studies have shown that you will be hungry to eat the same weight of food a day, regardless of calories. Go for bulk! Fruit and veg.…
  • SW - 60.0 kg CW - 59.6 kg GW (July 31) - 57.5 kg UTG - 50.0 kg July 1 - 59.6 kg July 8 - 58.6 July 15 - July 22 - July 29 - Final Weigh In - Down one kilo! Not actually sure how that happened, but I guess I was walking around more than I thought :)
  • SW - 60.0 kg CW - 59.6 kg GW (July 31) - 57.5 kg UTG - 50.0 kg July 1 - 59.6 kg July 8 - July 15 - July 22 - July 29 - Final Weigh In -