I ate pancakes today too. We went to Another Broken Egg Cafe. They have jumbo pancakes, plate size. It was just awful..but delicious. I did not eat the entire pancake though. Needless to say, I left the restaurant & went to the gym :)
You are not alone. I am obsessed too. I read about eating/fitness online. I buy all the books and magazines. I buy more workout clothes than clothes for work. It's bad...
I too can relate. We went to Olive Garden for lunch. Oh Boy! Bread sticks and Alfredo dipping sauce :( Not a good thing. Tomorrow is a new day. Weekends are SO hard for me!
I was just thinking the same thing as I came out of the kitchen with my snack :) I had a small handfull of baked chips and some diet 7-Up. I do the water thing also..but that sends me to the bathroom all night! So I am searching for tips also.