An8888 Member


  • SW 167 CW 142 GW 120-125 I'm 5'5. I haven't been at my goal weight in ten years. I know I've made a lot of progress, but sometimes it feels impossible to get back.
  • I log my weight in two ways: Once a day on mfp, and once a week at home. I find it interesting to see all the minor fluctuations through the week, and compare them to the weekly home weigh in. That way if I lose less weight one week than the prior week, I can kind of look back and see why that might have happened. But so…
  • Thanks everyone for the responses. They've helped me to get a better perspective :)
  • Wow, 20 pounds would put me almost exactly at my goal! Count me in. This is going to be interesting :)
  • Even if he started doing everything you said tomorrow, that wouldn't fix your problems. The very fact that you're comparing yourself to him and focusing on changing him is an indication that you have much more healing to do in recovering from your past eating disorder. You're focusing all this energy on making his body the…
  • I'm on 1200 calories, you can add me too if you'd like :) Some days I go beyond it if there's a party or get-together. Like, this week was my friend's birthday and another party, but in general I'm really good about keeping it to 1200.
  • For me, it's been my social life to a certain extent. Before I got serious about losing weight, I had some friends who I'd go out clubbing with a lot. But the late nights, peer pressure to over drink, and drama got to be too much. My body was hating it, and weight loss goals aside, these people weren't adding any value to…
  • lol, your grandma sounds awesome. I have people who try to lull me into a false sense of security about my weight loss, "Oh, you've lost so much weight, you can afford to indulge. Here! Eat more!" ....saboteurs! lol. Like you, I hope I can be that honest when I'm 90 :)
  • The first time I gained too much weight is it's own story, but the second time, and what brought me here, was pretty much a relationship with a lazy guy. In retrospect, it wasn't a very healthy relationship in a lot of ways. He ended up being a very different guy than who I thought he was, and had anger issues that caused…
  • You are not obsessed. The people who said that are probably jealous and want you to stay in a weight range that makes them feel more comfortable about themselves. It's truly shocking how many people get negative feedback from friends and family when they start losing weight. Stay strong. Use the nay sayers as motivation.
  • I've been using it for almost 2 months, and it definitely works. I've lost 15 pounds so far. I'd definitely suggest getting a food scale and using measuring spoons and cups as well, so that your food journal is as accurate as possible. Be honest with yourself, log everything (even condiment), and you'll see a difference.
  • OP, that's some refreshing honesty, lol :) Yes, it can be a competition and there's nothing wrong with that. Stay motivated, and if anybody tells you you're getting "too skinny" they're probably just feeling threatened by your success. Now, go get it :)
  • [/quote]dude, that is can't just take some bread and meat and throw it together in five minutes....[/quote] LOL!!!
  • I can relate to this, as I've had a few jobs where lunch was a social event. The outcome was simple and predictable: When I ate out, I gained a bunch of weight. Somebody else suggested cutting it back to eating out fewer days per week to start with, and that sounds awesome. I would strongly suggest looking online to see if…
  • For me, the social aspect is half the temptation, so I'd just like to say how awesome you are for sticking to your guns, and how cool your co-workers are for being supportive.
  • Cheat days only slow your weight loss progress, they don't stop it. Just get back on track the next day, and stay on track for awhile. If days like this don't become a regular thing, you'll bounce back and be fine, but it sounds like you'd benefit from re-evaluating your relationship with certain foods. You said that pizza…
  • Did you cut beer out of your diet because of the calories? If that's the case and there are no other health or psychological factors behind your decision, it would be pretty easy to integrate some beer into your weight loss plan. Maybe give yourself a "cheat" meal once a week, and work a beer or two into that. Or maybe…
  • I'm currently 138, and I was 152.2 when I started. My goal is 115, but I might stop at 120 if I like what I see. Haven't been 120 for years. It would be great to get back to that.
  • I don't necessarily feel guilty anymore, but I know if I over eat high carb/calorie/fat/sugar foods, it can't happen every day, or even every week. I've come to the point where I realize that eating a certain type of food in excess may slow down my weight loss plan, but it won't stop it. If I over do it one day because of…
  • You've proven the other guy's point. He said, "Show me some non-ridiculous amounts...", and these are some pretty ridiculous amounts for the frame of time in which the water was consumed. I'm not surprised that the first link refers to the military.10 to 20 L in a few hours is pretty extreme. My brother suffered from over…
  • You've proven the other guy's point. He said, "Show me some non-ridiculous amounts...", and these are some pretty ridiculous amounts for the frame of time in which the water was consumed. I'm not surprised that the first link refers to the military.10 to 20 L in a few hours is pretty extreme. My brother suffered from over…