nope! Try adding 20lb haha.
@kitty 140?
I smell a troll but I'll bite anyway. Just. Get. Over. It. If people are proud over what they have, let them show off. There's enough poor self esteem in this world and if having 'suggestive' photos changes that, then why not.
Wow! amazing job losing nearly 20lb in 30 days. You must be super happy with that!
I find that when I talk about the amount of weight I want to lose on here, all I get is awful remarks from other women. I've never gotten anything of the like from men. This is only in regards to weightloss though, as many women feel they need to compete, whereas men are into the whole "we're all going to make it, brah"…
I think atkins is great. Prior to doing low carb I suffered from bulimia for 4 years. Abstaining from carbs was so crucial to my recovery because a) I wasn't eating anywhere near as much as I was as my diet basically consisted of any sweets I could get my hands on b) the program allows for you to gradually ease back to…
I always just feel like it wasn't worth it. I think cheat days are good when maintaining but when you're losing it jsut really halts things for a couple of days.
Hoping to be 47kg by christmas. I'm definitely on track so I'm pretty happy.
I'm sure I'm not pregnant, it's been happening since I was 14 years old. It happens if I eat less than 1000cal on low carb, but doesn't happen when I eat that same amount with carbs.
I know it sounds shallow but I don't really care: nice clothes.
All the time. Pretty much why I got a treadmill. There are two ways you can go about the fear: 1. Stay inside until you feel comfortable 2. Say **** it and go out anyway People may make comments but just use your judgement if you think you'll be able to handle them. If you can't, and there's no shame in that, you could try…
I've never really noticed this. But then again I don't add/accept people at all, pretty much.
I'm not doing it for very long.
Not always, but at the moment I'm falling short by about only 50cal of my 600 daily.
140 at 5'7. WOrking very hard to change this now.
oreo smores/10
Try measuring your body with measuring tape instead of relying on scales because they can be deceiving, but the tape never lies.
I'm hoping to lose 30lb but I'm be happy with a little less.
LSP is an INSTANT 10. No questions asked.
Can't see much but I'll go 7.5 Also digging the beard