reneegd Member


  • I eat an avocado a day. No joke. They're fantastic. I don't care about the calories because they are a nutritionally sound food. Yes they have fat, but it is good fat. We need at least 30 grams of GOOD fat a day. Half of your average avocado is 15 grams. And the sources for good fat are limited, so don't be worried about…
  • I have been a vegan for roughly 9 yrs now and the protien you are looking for is in things like beans/legumes, nuts, nut butter (peanut; almond etc.), tofu, seitan, and edemame. There are a lot of meat substitutes out there for almost everything like veggie burgers, tofurkey and fake chicken nuggets. If you are a…
  • How often do you weigh yourself? If its every day then I would take it down to 1x a wk. Our weight fluctuates day-to-day just because of things like water retention and internal changes. So day-to-day weight gain or loss is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. Not to mention you will drive yourself crazy with…