28barb205 Member


  • PAV888, I'm sure that anything coming from mcdonalds is pure evil and that if I allow myself into the drive through, Im not likely to stop at an egg mcmuffin. Most of the time when im on my way home, i just need the quick sugar fix, a handful would do, to give me the strength to drive on by. I have a 20 mile trip home, but…
  • I was thinking maybe grapes. The sweet, the crunchy, and the not so messy in the car. That drive home gets me too
  • Your advice isnt being dismissed. Its just the whole reason, the founding principal behind my fitness pal. Your just stating the obvious. " Jump the Atlantic, you'll be in England. " If it were that simple, we'd all be British. If weight loss were that simple, we'd all be skinny. It is a process, a journey. My original…
  • Those who dont work nights dont get it. They are the same people who consistantly call at noon to borrow a cup of sugar. Ive worked days and ive worked nights. I didnt have a weight problem when i worked days. I do now. There have been multiple studies linking night shift to increased risk of stroke, hypertension, obesity,…
  • Mfp is a great tool for anyone with any eating disorders. The main treatment for all eating disorders is cognitive behavior therapies. By keeping the food journal, hopefully you can make a link between the emotional triggers that lead to your binges I think your doing great in recognizing what your doing to your body. Not…
  • Im 213, down from220. Im 31 and dont have health problems. Yet. As a nurse I know where im headed. Im always tired and my kids are following in my footsteps. Time for change. Im 5'5 and would like to see 140 in the next year. Long way to go.
  • Bearbo27, that is the exact boat im in. With 4 kids, I sleep an average of 4-5 hours per day. I work friday, saturday, and sunday and then by monday i feel as though ive been hit by a truck. I think your right about the water with lemon. You always hear 8 glasses a day, but i didnt realize just how important that was until…
  • Thank you bearbo27. Thats a good idea.
  • Im not saying that saying some mysterious nightshift monster comes out and sticks the donut in my mouth. Ive done the food diaries. I know my patterns and my body. Im saying night shift leads to being tired and is a trigger. I seek the quick energies and the convienence foods. Thats not an issue through the week when im on…
  • Hi! Im from Mo. Need to lose ideally 53 lbs. I run in fear from the camera and try to hide the muffin top under big shirts so I feel your pain.