

  • WOW guys, sorry for not reading... i stayed away after all the negative posts, but now I'm glad I came back to check on this thread! THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! :) Please send me friend requests!!!
  • redladywitch- Please go through the guidelines with me of the conditions of the types of people who are "allowed" to utilize a fitness site. People who want to be fit? People who want to feel good about themselves? People who want to look good? People who want to be healthy? People who want/need to keep track of their food…
  • Not to mention that my "homework" for therapy was to write down every single thing that I eat....interesting how this website helps you do that! It seems like many of you are quick to jump to conclusions/judge when I bet you have little understanding of what BED is in the first place.
  • A fitness site? Really? Never would have guessed..... Yes I'm in therapy, and "FITNESS" IS one of the best therapies for BED.
  • I guess I should have been more specific...! Yes I do have BED-Binge Eating Disorder- but the difference between BED and other eating disorders is that people with BED don't ever try to to find others to binge with them or support their binging....people with BED are ashamed of their my experience I have never…
  • To those who are asking about recovery- yes! Because of my eating disorders I have fluctuated from 110-165ish, and now I am at 145. I went from binging every day to now binging 0-3 times a week-which is a huge accomplishment for me! Keeping logs and completely abstaining from trigger foods (such as peanut butter) has…
  • Thanks superkeats- I'm going to add you. And Taragirl- Vegetarians don't eat meat, and honestly, I have never heard of ANY binge eaters binging on meat..... so how does that not make sense....bingers usually binge on salty and sugary foods....
  • 23 until the end of September! Feel free to add me!! :D