

  • Indeed...thank you for sharing.
  • I want to be a good role model. As a parent, as a future RN, and as a martial artist. Also, it HURTS to be this heavy. My knees, my poor feet, and my back issues are 10 times worse than they were forty pounds ago! The rest of it.. smaller clothes, feeling sexier.. etc.. icing on the cake!
  • Almost 36 here. New to MFP ... It's been a long time since I've been involved in a community like this... here's hoping it makes a difference in attaining my goals..and helping others attain theirs!
  • Hi there! I was thinking about this recently as well... I'll pass along what has worked for me.. maybe you'll find some of it useful for you... I have yet to find an exercise that doesn't help, but things that work the abs/core tend to be very helpful for me. I don't usually have an issue with water weight unless my recent…