Hi girllssss, want advice about what to do during mother nature's monthly gift... Do you run/exercise during? How do you face the cravings and bloating? Water retention giving you false hope on the scale? Help! It's coming up soon, and now that I'm serious about MFP, I don't know what to do!!!!!


  • jennymichele
    Hi there! I was thinking about this recently as well... I'll pass along what has worked for me.. maybe you'll find some of it useful for you...

    I have yet to find an exercise that doesn't help, but things that work the abs/core tend to be very helpful for me. I don't usually have an issue with water weight unless my recent eating habits have been poor.

    As for the cravings.. My Doc ran some blood test on me a couple of years ago, and told me I needed to be taking D and Calcium supplements. I noticed an improvement in my cravings/mood swings as an effect of that.. Apparently there's some research that supports a link between those supplements and PMS.. worth looking into, maybe?

    Good luck to you.. :)
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I don't work out for the first 3-4 days of mother nature's cruel little prank. I also don't weigh myself right before or after. You are going to retain water and throw off the scale, so why put yourself through "OH MY GOD I WENT UP 10lbs IN A DAY!" and just ignore weighing till after it's over. You'll live not knowing that long. As for cravings, call me if you figure that one out.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I find working out to help a lot with overall misery and pain during that time.

    Everything else is dealt with the same way I've dealt with it the last 20 something years.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    I continue exercising -- it actually makes the cramping feel better.

    For cravings -- I very well live by the, eat a small amount of it now or you are eating the whole bag later. If my body wants it, I should have some because the craving is not going to go away.

    You won't want to go exercise especially on the first day, but kick your butt, keep to your schedule and just do it. You will feel better, promise :)

    I'm running a 5K Saturday and this is the week of my "gift."

    Best of luck! This is the time where it will be rough to keep at it. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't right on -- tomorrow is another day :)
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I eat what I crave I just try to get it to fit in my daily goals. also if I go over a little then I don't get angry with myself or anything, I just curse mother nature and move on. I exercise too, but I don't push myself as hard as I normally do, especially when it's full force and really getting on my nerves. Just do light activity if you get really bloated. and ya it's probably best not to weigh in till about 2 days after.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I do what I always do.. lift heavy and eat my calories. Lifting helps with cramps in my experience.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    1. Click "Search"
    2. Enter "TOM"

    There are numerous discussions on your query. :)
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have found that sit ups and any ab work help the cramps. I don't run on the first few days, but I do walk on the treadmill, running seems to make my cramps worse.

    ETA - I don't really have cravings, so can't answer that.
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I will ALWAYS exercise during my TOM; probably even more than when I don't! :drinker: It just feels easier for me and better.
    As for cravings - as bad as this sounds, I just have to try and beat them :angry:
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    You continue to exercise n eat we'll, so far since I have started I haven't had any gains during TOM. Maybe it's because I drink a lot of water, who knows but I keep working out. N I had TOM twice I'm August and still lost 11lbs for the month.
  • SmarTam
    SmarTam Posts: 35 Member
    I dont exercise at all for first 4 days because mother nature is really cruel to me. I start exercise slowly from the 5th day and avoid inverted yoga poses and crunches. For cravings,I allow myself around 200 extra calories and try to beat my cravings by having one controlled treat each day like a hot chocolate or a small scoop of ice cream.
  • bananapiexoxo
    When I'm on my period, I literally experience no side effects. To me it's sort of an excuse not to work out or train hard... Honestly we all go through it, so treat your monthly cycle as if it's any other day and work hard. No excuses!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Before my hysterectomy my period was awful. I had terrible pms, fatigue, cramps, heavy flow, and cravings. I took a couple of days off of working out and I indulged in a treat and then got back to it. The water weight gain didn't bother me much. I knew it was temporary. If it bothers you just don't weigh yourself during that time.