

  • SW: 162 CW: 162 GW: 140 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 160 4/05 Sat: 4/12 Sat: 4/19 Sat: 4/26 Sat: End of Month (4/30 Wed): Total weight lost: Motivation: Be healthy and look good. I am getting married on July 20th!!
  • I've never done anything like this before, but I'm hoping it will give me the boost I need to stick to my plan. Thanks everyone! I look forward to supporting and being supported. SW: 162 CW: 162 GW: 152 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (4/01 Tue): 4/05 Sat: 4/12 Sat: 4/19 Sat: 4/26 Sat: End of Month (4/30 Wed): Total weight…
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