

  • Im usually around 350-400 for breakfast. I aim for 1500 calories each day.
  • Something that has helped me was starting Shaun T's T25 and counting calories. Im not sure if you are familiar with it or not. Im not big on exercising but I kept seeing the thing on TV advertising 25 minutes a day. I was scared to spend the $120 on the program because I never stick with anything for very long... SO GLAD I…
  • Ive lost 20 lbs since Oct but I have been stuck for about 2 months now. I did do measurements at the beginning of this work out program and have lost 2 inches in the last 4 and 1/2 weeks. I have noticed changes in my booty so I think I am gaining muscle. So I guess as long as I am losing inches Im on the right track. Ive…
  • Im 5'7 and Ive been stuck at 154...My UGW is 135-40. Ive been working out 5 days a week but I dont think Im eating enough. MFP says 1200 but according to my BMR it says I should be eating 2000. So im confused.