merrynrp Member


  • Fantastic advice! Thanks for sharing :)
  • I'm in! Like yourself, I have started so many times but didn't stick with it. I'm 30-35kg overweight (not sure what that is in pounds?). I need some people to motivate me and inspire me to keep up with the plan! :)
  • I think that weight fluctuates a lot with hormonal changes and water gain/ loss, so weighing once a week would be the maximum you would want to do - another dietician tip.
  • Given that I'm just a newbie on this weightloss thing I'm probably not very qualified to say much, however, for my wedding almost 10 years ago, I lost 10kg in about 3 months, from eating in moderation but also doing Scottish Country dancing twice a week for 2 hours. I can highly recommend dancing or anything aerobic for…