50+ pounds to lose...who's in?



  • ChubbieCanuck
    ChubbieCanuck Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in....I hope to lose another 50 pounds in the next year.......add me with all speed.
  • imorrell
    imorrell Posts: 2
    I'm in - I've given myself 44 weeks to loose anywhere from 44-88 lbs! Started July 2nd :-)
  • imorrell
    imorrell Posts: 2
    Hi, I've just been reading through this thread & it's great to see the determination you guys all have....

    If I may be so bold as to offer some advice - I started out (November 2012) with an intended goal of losing 168lb, I didn't set an over all time limit, I simply decided to celebrate mini goals; my mini goals were 7lb losses (half a stone if you're from the UK) & each time I lost 7lb I booked myself in for a new tattoo - nowadays it has become unnecassary to reward myself & I'll get more ink done as & when finances permit....

    Anyway, I digress.... My advice is don't set timed goals as you may not get there & that can be very demotivating, just set mini goals of amounts of weight - you are human & you will screw up, you will feel dispondant & you will lose your way from time to time; don't allow this to derail you.... This is a long journey & most of us need to take nature breaks when we're travelling a long way - therefor when you hit a wall on your weight loss journey, just go with the flow; if you over indulge - so what, eat better tomorrow; if you feel demotivated - rethink your goals & motivations; if you want to stop the journey & just live a "normal" life - take a break from tracking, test the waters & see if you can actually do this without calorie counting (there's more ways to lose weight than counting calories).

    And most importantly if you look at this as dieting, you are looking at failure - however, if you look at this as a lifestyle (& we all know life can be very unpredictable) then it can't fail.... The only way to fail is to stop trying.

    Incidentally I am now about 20lb short of losing 168lb & I have set myself a timed goal - I would like to lose the remaining 20lb by the middle November this year, because then I will have lost 168lb (12stone) in 24 months, which means I will weigh less than half of my starting weight of 321lb (22st 13lb).

    Anyway good luck to you all - the race is long & in the end it is only with yourself....

    Enjoy the journey, you'll be amazed at what will find out about yourself.


    This is actually very good advice! Thank you :smile:
  • merrynrp
    merrynrp Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! Like yourself, I have started so many times but didn't stick with it. I'm 30-35kg overweight (not sure what that is in pounds?). I need some people to motivate me and inspire me to keep up with the plan! :)
  • merrynrp
    merrynrp Posts: 4 Member
    Fantastic advice! Thanks for sharing :)
  • icanm
    icanm Posts: 33 Member
    I want shed the 20 kg (~44lbs) I had put on within 6 months of my wedding. :explode: It's been 4 years and I am still to lose all of it. I keep losing a few (4-5kgs) and putting them back on. Please help me stick to my fitness plan and fit into my honeymoon wardrobe :)
  • keyaracat
    keyaracat Posts: 1
    im in i have 45.5 pounds to loose maybe we can work out together or even keep in touch to motivate each other
  • Opopossum
    Opopossum Posts: 1
    Since I moved in with my boyfriend and stopped gym and started working crazy hours in the office, I gained so much weight. I just started the challenge of 50+ pounds. I am so fed up of my colleagues and all the people around judging my will and determination from my weight. It is awful when someone underestimates your work, power of will and success just because you have extra weight. I have met many people who treated me like **** cause of this. I have proved I can achieve my goals. I will prove that I can achieve whatever I want. good luck to everyone.
    Take care.
  • JRTowner
    JRTowner Posts: 3
    Hi can I be added please? I've lost the baby weight (easy enough) but I still have my pre-pregnancy fat to shift and that's about 54 pounds or so. Gulp!
    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred at the mo to help burn the fat and have been a member of Slimming World but when I found myself eating a slice of marmalade on toast for breakfast and then feeling guilty I knew something had gone wrong. Not sure how best to approach weight loss now other than track calories and do exercise. Hope to offer support to others
    and get some in return on here. :happy:
  • lozlaquinn
    lozlaquinn Posts: 29 Member
    hey guys I have 85.5lbs left that I would like to lose and I'm always looking for people that are in the same boat as me to motivate and cheer each other on. Everyone feel free to add me. I log daily xx
  • Kelceybyers
    Kelceybyers Posts: 56 Member
    I have a lot more than 50 to go but I'll start with the first 50!!! I'm in for some motivation and workout fun :) Please add me!!
  • hylgh
    hylgh Posts: 12 Member
    I would loooove to lost 50 pounds! Best wishes everybody!
  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in! I have 50lbs to lose by November 26th. I am only weighing monthly though because I can't handle more frequent weighing (I have an addictive personality and have historically been weighing myself multiple times a day....).
    Looking forward to working together with you all to make our dreams our new realities!
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Update, lost 5.2 of 56.2 lbs....51lbs to go :bigsmile:
  • This may have already been said but I don't have time right now to look through the thread. There is a Christmas Countdown to 50 lbs group that is pretty active. We even have a spreadsheet we are all posting our weights on to keep motivated. Look under groups and search Christmas you can probably find it. Just make sure it is the 2014 one. Good luck to everyone. I am in the same boat!
  • chelskii22
    chelskii22 Posts: 68 Member
    I have 62 lbs to lose hopefully by June!
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I'd love to be a part of this...I want to lose at least 50lbs and more...I am restarting again...How do I join this group?
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    Anyone here that is serious and will log and there is some interaction can add me. I am on daily and log and motivate and help any way I can. But please read my profile, if you don't interact and log I will have to drop you. Nothing personal, but it is what works for me
  • Ainfinity
    Ainfinity Posts: 1
    Need to loose around 50 lbs and want to start today. Please add me.
  • fayesascade
    fayesascade Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone I have 50 lbs. to loose. My weight has been going up and down since I had my first daughter seven years ago. I haven't got a set of scales at the moment, my little girl decided to use them as a trampoline :laugh:, Will be buying a new set this week, a little bit nervous to see the numbers. I've got Zumba Rush for the Kinect, I'm hoping to do an hour at least three times a week managed to do 84 mins today :smile:. Actually feel great and positive about my future weight loss :happy: Oh I'm also hoping to walk 1100 steps daily as well. Please add me!