

  • Welcome back and good luck! Almost all of us have been there, props to you for getting back on the wagon! :)
  • I agree, I think talking to her will be the only solution. If you aren't already buying your own food, then definitely start making that change. Maybe start labeling everything? Time intensive but to the point. I think adding a padlock to your drawer in the fridge might be a bit extreme, not to mention a bit tricky, but if…
  • Congrats on taking a positive step toward a healthier you! I did Medifast for about 5-6 months in 2010 and lost 65+ pounds. I've since gained it back by making poor choices but have recently started using MFP to keep track of my intake and, so far so good, down about 8lbs. (LONG way to go but progress is progress!). While…