

  • Get out of a really nice car on the corner somewhere by where you live or a freeway on or off ramp, have two little kids with you, and a sign that says you are a single parent and a homeless vet, and more kids at home, and cant find work, and your dog died and anything will help.... If you get really creative with your…
  • Thank you! The breakfast thing I know is going to be a good way to start. I just have to really push myself to eat even a little something in the morning. We can do this!!! LOL I am super excited to get started. Even looking at trying to find FITBIT or Nike Fuel Band and try that to keep track of walking
  • Just signed up today for MFP and ready to drop some weight. My birthday is tomorrow and I have started Vapure to stop smoking. I need to get healthy. My goal will be 50 miles.