sandrawhiteowlpaul Member


  • I have a lot to loose and that is why the large loss in these beginning weeks. I know it will slow to 1 to 2 pounds in a week soon. I am not just fat, I am obese (I hate that word) but the Doctors told me this fact. So to begin with my weight loss will be huge, but you won't even be able to tell until I lose about 20…
  • I have diabetes, high b/p, osteoarthritis in both knees with no cartilage in the right knee, skin cancer and asthma. I have a lot of medical issues that losing weight can help tremendously. I am obese, not just chubby or even fat. I have to have surgery soon, so losing weight is imperative for the removal of skin cancer…
  • Maybe start taking short walks instead of biking might help. I think next week I will start taking short walks. I need to get a pedometer to measure my steps also if I do so.
  • I fell off the wagon last night, and now I am filled with regrets. After a great week wherein I lost 3 pounds. I ate at Wendy's after shopping trip and got so stressed over shopping trip with husband, who acted out. I went home and ate on top of it all, 2 cups ice cream, a toasted cheese sandwich with pickle and a cup of…
  • Hi, my name is Sandra J. Paul. My Native American name is WhiteOwl. I am short and always have been stout. Even when I was thin, I struggled with my weight and thus did a lot of yo-yo dieting. I am 66 years old and have Osteoarthritis which prevents me from aerobic exercises. But I am a member of Silver Sneakers through…