
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    Confession: I am a butt girl. I love butts in all shapes and sizes. Girl butts, guy butts, doesn't matter. They're so cute, and each one is unique! I also love my own butt,but sadly I think that's where I've lost most of my weight! I'm cursing the weight loss gods for it right now. I'm hoping the rest of my body will catch up so that I don't end up with a small butt in comparison to the rest of me.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    -I'm in the introvert / low friend count crowd. Used to bother me, but not so much anymore. My wife and I are very close. Other than that, I can count the people I consider close friends on one hand and still have a finger or two to spare (family included). Having lots of friends that you can't relate to or don't have much in common with just seems like a waste of effort to me.

    Completely agree. I get along with people I work with but have nothing in common with anyone that would justify me wanting to do anything outside of work. I don't have kids yet (I am the only one on my team that doesn't) and I don't like dogs (cat person and again the only one). I tend to spend my lunches in the gym rather than the burger joint and food trucks down the street. There are several large people on my team who complain about their weight but do nothing about it or try to lose weight by eating salads everyday for a week and binge at McDonald's for four days. *sigh* I try to help them but I can't until they want to help themselves.

    On a side note, I confess that I was really shy to post on this thread because everyone seems close. I wanted to read each post (which I have done) and even though I didn't post much I feel as I got to know a lot of you pretty well. You will see more of my posts on here.

    I also confess I don't add MFP friends because I don't like getting "Likes" when I post my exercise or complete my food diary. The only two MFP friends I have are my mom and my husband.
  • sandrawhiteowlpaul
    sandrawhiteowlpaul Posts: 9 Member
    I fell off the wagon last night, and now I am filled with regrets. After a great week wherein I lost 3 pounds. I ate at Wendy's after shopping trip and got so stressed over shopping trip with husband, who acted out. I went home and ate on top of it all, 2 cups ice cream, a toasted cheese sandwich with pickle and a cup of milk. I went way over calorie intake. then I went right to sleep. Talk about binges! I got to stop these stress binges. I was way out of control. Well, today is a new day and a new start. I'm not giving up! Got to think about losing weight instead of overeating. I need to think about eating healthy, low calorie foods more. I understand now how easy it is to eat out of stress.
  • primalfitnh
    primalfitnh Posts: 3 Member
    I have a weakness for potato chips. I can't have them in the house but if I am going to throw them out and not eat them I have to dump the chips loose into the trash or I am tempted to pull the bag back out and eat them later, been there done that.
  • Minxgal86
    Minxgal86 Posts: 4 Member
    A few weeks ago my husband wanted to order from Domino's pizza. I resisted the urge to get myself a pizza but thought boneless chicken wings would be better. I ordered the 8 piece in Honey Sriracha. Ate them all in one sitting, only to later consider what I had done. Turns out one boneless wing is 100 calories, and I had just eaten 8 lol. I shamelessly went to my gym and did enough cardio to only work off half of that amount. Later had a chuckle with my trainer lol...
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member

    I also confess I don't add MFP friends because I don't like getting "Likes" when I post my exercise or complete my food diary.

    Same here.. Also I've seen some people post about their expectations for being their friend on here, and if I'm going to be deleted for not liking/commenting on your feed enough or because my diary is private then I'm just not gonna bother.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member

    I also confess I don't add MFP friends because I don't like getting "Likes" when I post my exercise or complete my food diary.

    Same here.. Also I've seen some people post about their expectations for being their friend on here, and if I'm going to be deleted for not liking/commenting on your feed enough or because my diary is private then I'm just not gonna bother.

    You can select options so that none of those get posted ever. If you wanted to add more people of course.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    -I used to make fun of cats but now we own two of them and I'm a "closet" cat person.

    Cats are wonderful. You just have accept that they own you and it's all on their terms. I love dogs but am rarely home so can't have them. I adore my cats. And they adore me. I never understand people who don't like cats. (No judgement just lack of understanding).[/quote]

    Confession: I not only do not like cats, but I hate them. I am allergic to them, which doesn't help, but I know that is not their fault.

    Our neighbors cats are always in my yard, my flower beds are full of *kitten* and one will not even grow anything in it anymore because the cats have pissed in it so much. Every spring, when the snow melts and I have to go clean up two five-gallon pails of cat poo, I silently plot their deaths.

    The neighbors don't do anything about it, no matter how much we complain. My husband is the mayor and the only thing they can do about it is set up cat traps and charge a fee for them to get their cats back.

    I effing HATE cats!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @tincanonastring total random question. If I have my memory right (and I may not) you work in/ manage a call center. You live in the NE and your name is an ancient (and childishly fun) form of communication. And you travel to Texas. Do you work for a telecommunications company (aka the phone company)?

    Sorry I know this is neither beard nor peeps related.

    No worries. No, I don't. Despite all of that being accurate (and are you stalking my posts?), it's all coincidental. I've always lived in NJ other than a brief stint in FL, my best bud moved to Austin about 11 years ago, and tincanonastring is actually a reference to an old album I like by a band called Far. I work in the employee benefits industry, specifically for a benefit enrollment company. Our counselors handle new-hire and annual enrollments for companies.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    threnjen wrote: »
    ... double post, MFP blip...

    Phew. It's not just me, lol.
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession: I live vicariously through the people in this forum, because I have no physical friends. It's like watching the group of cool kids in the playground back when I was at school. :|

    I don't really have friends either. There's another mom I get along pretty well with but we only see each other on the rare days she picks up her kids... but I've been so disappointed by friendships in the past, I don't actually care. Well, except when people talk about going out with their friends and post all the pictures and it makes me feel very lonely. But I haven't had a close friend since my first marriage 15 years ago.

    Until recently I had one friend who I actually hung out with in real life. A few weeks ago, I forced myself to reach out to an acquaintance who had a new baby and it went well, so now I have 2 friends. I am jealous of women who are close to their sisters - my sister is on drugs and won't talk to me. /sad

    I feel that way about sisters sometimes too. I have a sister that lives far away so we literally only see each other for a day or less once every few years. We get along, but are not close.

    My friends have dwindled down over the years, there are four that were toxic that have been cut out for years and I am much better for it.

    I have one very close girlfriend since I was four years old, but she lives a few hours away and we are both so busy we only see each other a couple times a year. I have one close girlfriend that used to live here but now we get together once a year for a girls weekend. And I have a small handful where I live that I will get together with when possible, which is not often do to time.

    My best girlfriend died two years ago this month, we were super close for 20 years. We did so much together that people often thought we were sisters. I still miss her terribly, I think about her every single day and often still cry. She was very sick for the last while she was alive, and I am glad she is not suffering anymore, but I still was not ready to say good-bye to her.

    That is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.
    threnjen wrote: »

    Very sorry to hear this :(

    Thank you both.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    jules92761 wrote: »
    OMG - I love this post. Ok, I'll confess... I actually ate at least 4 lemon Oreos in the car on my home from my mom's (she only lives a mile away) rather than eat them in front of my husband.... then snuck 4 more later in the kitchen while he was watching tv! :blush:
    Lemon I've never tried.. now the Reese's Oreo's...are a bit too delicious! :blush:

    Omg!! Lemon and Reese Oreos! I really need to move to the States.... but I'd probably gain all my weight back!
    Lemon... Oreos...?

    That just sounds kinda gross.

  • JulieAnneFIU
    JulieAnneFIU Posts: 125 Member
    I went out to a bar with my husband last night. My parents have the kids and we haven't been out in years. I put on my six inch hooker boots and tightest pants, had two O'Douls (I don't drink) and ate cheese fries on a whim. I haven't eaten anything on a whim that wasn't a full on binge in months. I felt so normal! I then of course logged it and was right at maintenance so I would say that's a win.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    jules92761 wrote: »
    OMG - I love this post. Ok, I'll confess... I actually ate at least 4 lemon Oreos in the car on my home from my mom's (she only lives a mile away) rather than eat them in front of my husband.... then snuck 4 more later in the kitchen while he was watching tv! :blush:
    Lemon I've never tried.. now the Reese's Oreo's...are a bit too delicious! :blush:

    Omg!! Lemon and Reese Oreos! I really need to move to the States.... but I'd probably gain all my weight back!
    Lemon... Oreos...?

    That just sounds kinda gross.

    They are really good. They had the vanilla cookies. The lime ones were good, too.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I went out to a bar with my husband last night. My parents have the kids and we haven't been out in years. I put on my six inch hooker boots and tightest pants, had two O'Douls (I don't drink) and ate cheese fries on a whim. I haven't eaten anything on a whim that wasn't a full on binge in months. I felt so normal! I then of course logged it and was right at maintenance so I would say that's a win.

    Awesome. I've been wanting some good cheese fries!
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm feeling adventurous, if someone messages me their phone number, I'll give them a call!

    ha ha that could get expensive.
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    I confess that I secretly wish I could find a MFP member who is close to where I live so I can have someone to work out with besides my boyfriend. He's gone a lot so our schedules don't always meet up.
    I'm pretty shy in a gym and it just takes a little encouragement for me to go to the weight room when there are already a bunch of people over there.

    I am always afraid I am going to do something wrong and someone will get mad at me for interrupting their set. haha. Silly, I know... I don't wanna be THAT person y'know?

    Also, I haven't been craving any particular foods lately which is really really strange to me.

    Most of time I'm like " oh, I feel like chicken, or a burger, or tacos, etc."

    Not this week :/

    Makes me think something big is coming on. OH GOD.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    amehh91 wrote: »
    My son's dad is a real douche, he greatly contributed to my PND issues after I had my son (cheating, not contributing to rent and racking up debt in my name, no baby help, verbally abusive, smashed my belongings etcetc). I finally left when my son was 18 months and he has refused to see him since just before his 2nd birthday and he constantly quits jobs so he doesn't have to pay child maintenance.
    Confession: I still feel just as peed off about it now as I did in the beginning and I'm not a particularly angry person but I have fantasised about bumping into him and having my say about the whole thing (I have held my tongue for my sons sake).
    2nd confession: I feel guilty about still letting confession 1 get to me as it has been nearly 2 years since I left and I think everyone thinks I should just get over it now.
    3rd confession: I'm making damn sure that if I do bump into him again (not likely as I had to move counties to get away from him) I am going to look super hot and he will know he didn't break me and me and my son are far better off without him.

    Phew it feels good to get that off my chest!

    Don't let the anger consume you, but something like that does take a long time to get over - especially when you have a little one who you see being affected by it every day. I unfortunately know from experience. It took me about 3 years to stop feeling deeply upset. I still wouldn't mind if my ex got hit by a car.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I made those little dirt cups for Easter last year.