

  • Great Advice , I wish someone would have told me that growing up. I keep telling myself that I will be happier slimmer instead of seeing this monster in the mirror. GOD created us all different for a reason , Its up to us to be Happy.
  • I fill ya, :ohwell: I have been trying to loose weight my whole life. My mother took her life when I had just turned 13 in 1978 :brokenheart: . My father remarried 8 months later to this lady that Had Never had children and of course she probably weighed 99 pd . I weighed 120-130 in high school and she ALWAYS told me I was…
  • LOL yes that's my real Name . I have a cake business and I get asked if that's my name. check out my website
  • I have tried to change my lifestyle , But like I had said before the more I lost I lost points. I went from 246 to 223 and stopped.