

  • You can add me too. I've been a T1 for 15 years now and on the pump for 4 1/2.
  • I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for 15 years this month. I gained about 20+ lbs a few years ago and have been working on taking that off. I am happy to say that I am down 16lbs and only want to lose 2 more. Then, I will focus on building muscle. Let me know if you want more information on what I've been doing to lose…
  • Hi! I too am a Type 1 Diabetic and would love to help encourage and support you! I know the struggles of maintaining weight and keeping healthy blood sugar levels!
  • Hi! Excited that you've joined and good for you for making the first step! I'd love to help encourage you along the way through your weight-loss journey!
  • Hi! I would love to help and support you through here! You are doing an incredible thing just by starting! Way to go! Feel free to add my on here :) I too am definitely an emotional eater so feel your pain!! You can definitely do this though!
  • I think you should eat when you feel ready; however, I'm a believer in eating a mostly clean diet and trying to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Space them out evenly and this will help your metabolism stay strong and working all day long!!
  • Would love to help encourage and support you! Checked out your blog and you're doing amazing! Way to go :) Thanks for sharing your journey with us and feel free to add me as well!