Looking for friends

Hi! I am new (again) to the weight loss journey and I am looking for some friends who are going through the same thing I am. I am a 30 year old mother of five who is trying to lose 100 pounds (at least). This is really hard for me because I am probably the least athletic, fit person in the universe and the only activity I get is raising kids. I joined a gym, though, and will be using it to help me get the scale back to where it should be. I am an emotional eater--my son was diagnosed with autism last winter and since then I have gained 35 pounds from stress-eating. I am hoping to find a healthier alternative to that as well. My plan is to limit calories (1300/day) and exercise by walking the treadmill and building up to C25K. I don't think I can do this without support, though, so I could really use some companionship!


  • cam8724
    cam8724 Posts: 7
    Hi! I would love to help and support you through here! You are doing an incredible thing just by starting! Way to go! Feel free to add my on here :) I too am definitely an emotional eater so feel your pain!! You can definitely do this though!