Ideabaker Member


  • You are looking phenomenal; I expected to read that you've been killing the workouts because you definitely look fitter... now that I know you haven't been, WOW! You are unstoppable! I hope you share more pics in the future as you add in exercise and progress even closer to your goals.
  • Ditto on the weighing-- a food scale changed my life! You might benefit from actually weighing your foods to know exactly how much you are consuming. :smile:
  • I read this article and it really helped me take a closer look at why I was not losing weight... maybe it will help you?
  • I prefer early morning (5:30 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. start time); I like to get my body moving before it figures out what I'm doing!
  • I like lots of protein with a bit of fruit or veg in my breakfasts, so often will have a small beef or pork steak, thinly sliced and served with avocado over toast or wrapped in a whole grain tortilla. I also like turkey sausages or kielbasa cut up fine and scrambled with brown rice and veggies; I generally toss it on top…
  • ^^ This! I'm not ashamed to say that I go to bed by 9:00 p.m. most nights. Easy peasy to get up for my early morning workouts. p.s. I'm in NZ and find going to bed earlier a lot easier in autumn/winter because it gets dark so early anyway.
  • Glad you liked the toast/egg/avo combination (I have that almost every morning to get myself going... then oats as a "second breakfast" four hours later). Creative use for the leftover avocado!
  • Yes, agreed; being constipated can definitely make the scales rise. Try weighing yourself after you "go" and see the difference. If there isn't one, then you may want to see your doctor!
  • Here is something that has been shared in the forums and truly helped me:
  • I'm a home exerciser as well; 5:30 a.m.-6:00 a.m. start time. *edited to add "a.m."
  • Good to know; I've never seen or heard of rice flakes before, and imagined them to be like instant oats in texture...
  • Hmm... would this mean that for a more "accurate" look at calories remaining we can periodically look at the Fitbit calorie burn (on the device) itself and subtract the daily pre-set goal from that?
  • I've done exactly that, yet still go to bed "in the green" (after closing my day and eating no more as well as doing no more exercise), but wake up "in the red". Now I don't eat all my calories back; try to leave 150 cals "on the table" for those adjustments.
  • I like protein in my breakfast to keep me full for a while; but am also an oatmeal fan. This lady has heaps of ways to prep oatmeal; overnight, stovetop, oven, sweet or savoury. Many have added protein sources, but you could easily add protein powder to make them even more satisfying:…
  • If you are an oats fan, you might be interested in this link to both overnight oat and hot oat recipes-- both sweet and savoury! I will be making the steel cut apple pie oats soon. Would this work with rice flakes /quick oats? I can't get my gluten free oats as…
  • If you are an oats fan, you might be interested in this link to both overnight oat and hot oat recipes-- both sweet and savoury! I will be making the steel cut apple pie oats soon.
  • Something quick and nutritious; wholegrain toast with avocado and egg, oatmeal with fruit and nuts, or (very often) whatever I ate for dinner the night before!
  • ^^^Ditto this. Plus I drink water throughout the workout. Immediately after my workout, I have breakfast.
  • Where'd your back go? And ditto the butt comments...fantastic progress! Your exercise also shows as you are curvy and firm!
  • A bit late to the party but in case someone is searching this topic, found this: Thought it was interesting that anxiety for no reason is included as a symptom!
  • @misscaligreen Gorgeous photos... what are they? I think the first one is zoodles with prawns, the second looks like a tortilla pizza, crab salad on the third?, then some other kind of pizza? Would love to see your recipes!
  • I'm totally a high volume eater, too. I second the poster who promoted veggies. Veggies are your nutritional, high-volume friend! I try to squeeze at least one veggie into every meal... even breakfast! They bulk up the meal and (most) don't add significant calories. I also like to bulk up my "regular volume" foods with…
  • Way to go! I'm still trying to do ten push ups in a row!
  • Food is such a sensitive topic (as seen by discussions right here in the forums of MFP!). I think a lot of schools are afraid to teach anything related to weight for fear of kids developing eating disorders. It is a shame, really, because in school is a great opportunity to get 'good information' that might even discourage…
  • Losing weight in the face, often making the face look far older than it did before, is a real "thing" for some of us. I posted a similar question some time ago: and after careful consideration, I did choose to amend my original goal weight…
  • Perhaps the OP meant that fat liquifies if we drink lots of boiling water whilst immersed in boiling water... which just might work; but sounds rather painful.
  • And yet an even higher fiber bar... ala Quest style... the Vitafiber syrup required is available on Amazon.
  • Old post, but good topic, so sharing this one: I'm looking to reduce the cals so would try making them without all of the marshmallows...