

  • Thanks for the welcome, ladies! I really don't want to rely too much on any one program or resource; I want to focus on making lifestyle changes because I know it's the right thing to do, and in the end, the only one who can make healthy decisions for me, is me! I've found a lot of motivation in researching food,…
  • These are great points! Even though I ride my indoor bike every night, I'm still sitting on my butt most of the day at work. So anytime I go to the bathroom during the day, I do a quick set of marches, kicks, and hip twists in the bathroom. It only takes a minute or so, but it wakes up my muscles and feels great! Every…
  • What kind of "tools" do you have? Do you have any exercise equipment? One of my best investments was a good, quality recumbent bike. Like you, I find myself growing bored very quickly if I'm on a machine with nothing to occupy my brain. So I take my Kindle with me and I read or listen to music or watch a movie while I'm…