bradynsmom Member


  • Yeah I just changed it from one pound a week to two pounds a week and it went to 1200 so I thought i had to be under that. Thanks for clearing it up
  • I am 233 and 5'2", I work full time and have a 4 year old. I would love to be in a group of people that are in the same place as me. If anyone would like to be friends feel free to add me I am willing to support as much as I need supported.
  • Yummy my mouth is watering reading this. Sounds so good I can't wait to try it.
  • I do the same thing and log it under swimming general. I try to get som actuall swim time or do some sort of excerise while in with them.
  • You look amazing and are a great motivation.
  • Caribbean Jerk Chicken (or Pork) 1 envelope Italian salad dressing mix 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon thyme 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper 2 1/2 lbs chicken pieces Mix everything together and let set for 1 hour or over night then grill. This was a weight…
  • I really like the toll house idea. I crave choclate and nuts big time around that time of the month, to a point it is worse then a pregnancy craving. I just need a taste to get rid of it though so I might have to try that.
  • I am right there with you on that craving fro crap food and need for motivation. I think if you can get some good friends on here to keep you in check and you give a to a little of that crap food to keep the cravings away they will start to get less and less. I least that is what I keep telling myself. Good Luck.
  • I can see a big difference way to go!
  • I am righ there with you I was very determined when I first started this to lose the weight and stop the cycle of eating and feeling bad about myself. I had wished to meet my goal of being under 200 before spring but this has not happened and instead I am play a constant yo-yo with the scale one week I lose then I put it…
  • I have found that we eat healthier when I plan a weekly menu ahead of time and stick to it. I am a full time working mother of a three year old and time is limited so as long as we have a plan it seems easier. I have also bought things like grapes, bleberries, pineapple and other fresh fruits and cut them up and put them…
  • Very sad, my heart aches for that little guy. I am the mother of a 3 year old and he is currently 29 pounds and when he wants carried he gets heavy quickly but I could not begin to think how it would be not to pick him up for a hug or anything.
  • Sounds great think I will have to put this on the menu this week.
  • My husband and I love to walk when the weather good and take family walks on a nightly basis, my biggest problem is finding something to while it is crappy out. My husband wants to ride bikes this spring but I can only go about a 1/4 of a mile and I am done. When we walk I usually walk atleast 2- 3 miles.