

  • @roybeck I'm a little worried about that, actually. I tend to be extremely competitive and overexert myself when I'm getting back into a workout routine. I have a friend joining me for the class for this reason; she's been instructed to make sure I don't overdo it! I think that after having a baby, my mindset has changed…
  • so are hot hatha and bikram not at all similar?
  • the ft4 is a lower model that does not have the vo2max setting option.
  • somewhat. not really.
  • TOTALLY understand. my husband and i work out in completely different ways. he always asks me to lift with him, but i cannot stand doing it. he will lift like 10-15 reps, then sit around for like 2-3 minutes in between!! i try to make it more cardiovascular and lift lighter with more reps, and switch between reps quickly.…
  • when you cook and freeze, what are your reheating suggestions? can you give some examples of things you cook and freeze? and how long do you hold on to them in the freezer?? sorry for all the questions, just never occured to me to do that and i think it's a really good idea, and definitely doable!!!
  • It's just part of having other priorities. When my husband and I both started working, sex slowed down a lot. We were both exhausted and had a lot on our minds. When it's initiated, we always say "Man, we need to do that more often!" and then talk about why we don't, but it doesn't change. Also, before MFP, my husband told…
  • ok, changing to half pound/week! i feel like i'm eating way too many calories, but we will see how it goes!!
  • i do turbokick 1-3 times/week, i do a cardio/weights class once a week, and every other week i do a pure weights class. some weeks my body feels too worn out from working out at a more high impact level, so i will take a break and just go for walks or use the elliptical. i try to change it up.
  • Also, my diary is public, so feel free to look through!
  • 25 from houston, tx. been on since last february but have been trying to maintain on my own the last 2 months... it hasn't worked well! so, i'm back! add me if you wish :)
  • i would be less concerned if the calorie burn calculation were lower than i thought, but 715 seems so high!!! i hope it's not over-calculating, because if it is it is throwing off my calorie goal for the day. i am a little less worried now, though, because i wore it for an hour yesterday sitting and watching tv, and when i…
  • your deficit is already built in to your daily calorie goal... by not eating your calories back, you are only increasing your deficit and putting your body into starvation mode.
  • it is really frustrating to put that much effort and intensity into an hour of my life, and only get 400 extra calories from it. grr!!!!:explode:
  • i also coach volleyball most nights from 6-8, and am at the gym the other evenings. i don't cook much because of lack of time. i usually pick up panera or salata, so there aren't any leftovers. when i do cook, i don't cook extra because i will eat all the leftovers that same night, instead of saving them. i know my limits…
  • yes, you can lose weight while drinking. but if you're dieting for the right reasons, you shouldn't even want to put something so unhealthy into your body in the first place. dieting shouldn't strictly be about calories and pounds, but about overall physical and mental health as well.
  • i think if you need to drink that much daily, you may have some other issues...
  • i'm 5'6", female, 25 years old. started at 135 (i was at 140, then lost 5# from being sick, then started the w/ MFP to keep it going). i didn't realize i was supposed to be eating back my burned calories :/ oops! i will start doing that. i'm also going to change my pounds/week from 2 to 1, since i'm so close to my goal. i…