HIT A WALL! Please help!

I started at 135, and am currently at 125. My lowest weight was 123, and I am now back up to 125. I don't know what happened. I have been staying under my calorie goal (1200/day- I've been going over my calories in, but burning off the extra so my net stays under my goal). My goal is to reach 120. I am wondering, though, if maybe this is too low for my body and I am not losing more waight because my body is telling me I don't need to. Is this possible? Mathematically, I should still be losing 2 lbs/week, and I am not losing any. I am eating very balanced, staying away from refined/processed foods, drinking lots of water, and being very strict about my calorie count and making sure my net calories stay right at 1200/day. WHAT DO I DO?!


  • laurabeth02
    laurabeth02 Posts: 37
    Oh my gosh! We are so in the same boat! Advice please!!!!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    yeah that just happened to me. i got down to 122 then went back up to 125 for no reason :/
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    1. Provide your stats so we can agree/disagree w/ your goals; height/age/gender
    2. Open your diary so we can see what you are eating daily
    3. Be SURE to eat 1200 net calories daily which means eating back most if not all of your exercise calories. You most likely have stalled out b/c your metabolism has slowed due to lack of fuel.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Can I ask how tall you are?
    Also,generally speaking if you have that little amount to lose and only weight that much you should not mathematically speaking be able to lose 2 lbs a week.
    I am 5ft 3 and 113 pounds (started out at 133) and even in the beggining my deficit was only large enough to be losing 1 lb a week. Now because of my lower weight my deficit with eating 1200 calories is only large enough to lose .8 a week.
    Another thing you can do if you feel you've plateaued is zig zag calories (just type it into google or the mFP search bar for TONS of resources)
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Try upping your calories to 1500? Sometimes a metabolic shock does the trick. OR your body may be fine at 125.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I started at 135, and am currently at 125. My lowest weight was 123, and I am now back up to 125. I don't know what happened. I have been staying under my calorie goal (1200/day- I've been going over my calories in, but burning off the extra so my net stays under my goal). My goal is to reach 120. I am wondering, though, if maybe this is too low for my body and I am not losing more waight because my body is telling me I don't need to. Is this possible? Mathematically, I should still be losing 2 lbs/week, and I am not losing any. I am eating very balanced, staying away from refined/processed foods, drinking lots of water, and being very strict about my calorie count and making sure my net calories stay right at 1200/day. WHAT DO I DO?!

    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose you should set your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week. 2 lbs an unreasonable expectation when you don't have much to lose and you risk burning muscle instead of fat. Try changing your goal to 1 lbs/week for 2-3 weeks then change it to 0.5lbs. This way you wont shock your body with a sudden large increase in calories.
  • laurenwarwick
    i'm 5'6".
  • laurenwarwick
    i'm 5'6", female, 25 years old. started at 135 (i was at 140, then lost 5# from being sick, then started the w/ MFP to keep it going).

    i didn't realize i was supposed to be eating back my burned calories :/ oops! i will start doing that. i'm also going to change my pounds/week from 2 to 1, since i'm so close to my goal. i have been feeling extra tired/hungry/dizzy and now i know why! i feel kind of dumb for not figuring it out on my own, but at least i know now!

    also, how do i unlock my diary and stuff so others can see it??