

  • Our anniversary is also in Nov. Steampunk sounds like a fun theme :) I don't have any specific ideas on spoken words that fit the theme, but you could have a great time decorating or dressing for it. As for dialog, you might find good references in era-specific early 1900s fiction and late victorian era romance. Good luck,…
  • I admit, this is a big driver for me too - but more than that, once I got started I was "hooked" - the amp I feel before my long run, or after a great session on weights, became my carrot. I still get frustrated when the scale and I disagree, or on the days my diet slides, but at the end of the week I keep at it because I…
  • Wow, epic thread started in July and still going, nice. :) I'm also a nerd (geek?) - in addition to being an avid gamer, I love all things science, stargazing, scuba diving, music, movies and drawing. I work with computers/software, but even if I didn't I would still consider myself an enthusiast / tinker. Kris
  • Ditto this. This and my children. I'd like to be there for them and be able to keep up with them.
  • I've never actually met someone who fit the whole "high/low maintenance" dichotomy, man or woman, not counting TV sitcoms. In fact, I probably can think of more folks that would seem to be contrary to the generalization - but in the end their level of confidence and attitude were more important than how they…
  • I use "Runtastic" apps for my iPhone for running and biking. They offer a chest strap HRM that syncs via bluetooth to the phone. Runtastic also syncs to MFP. I love it, but I do think the Polar HRM with Watch may be useful in certain situations, as I find it cumbersome to fuss with an app while running, etc, to find my HR…
  • Having "raised" one zombie thread myself, I blame the search feature. :)
  • Thanks for the many suggestions :) My shoes are ~6 weeks old, fitted at a specialty running store. This was a big improvement from my dept store sneakers ;) I do not have a well developed cooldown or post run stretch aside from basic walk-off and calf stretches, which I knew could be improved - this is what prompted me to…
  • Congrats! This is very inspirational to read, thank you for sharing. :)
  • Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your success and progress. It is an inspiration :)
  • I had the same experience moving from treadmill at the gym to running outside, even when I had set an incline on the treadmill to help compensate. It was very discouraging how soon I tired outdoors. I had to jog/walk until I could acclimate and really I am still catching up. I started running 1 min, walking 1 min until I…
  • Another thread full of WIN. I plugged in a number of songs folks listed as their favorite into itunes and will be growing my playlist, lots of great songs here! My "must have song" ? Suicide and Redemption by Metallica. Thou shalt not falter while Kirk is playing.... this is my "get one more mile" song no matter how tired…
  • I started running 3x a week in late July of this year, also in a hilly area and your times look like mine. I was only able to make 4 miles without interval walks just this last week and it was a peak effort - still at those same mile pacing. Keep it up! This is an awesome thread, so much encouragement and many folks with a…
  • Reading through the many replies, I can agree with every "my favorite pants/shirt no longer fit" or "I saw a recent photo of myself" story. For me it was more than one event - although the one that stands out in my mind the most was a photo of myself with my daughter while hiking at our favorite spot. I had memories of…