avatarmage Member


  • Here's a secret: Have you tried dairy, especially Greek yogurt? Chobani (the fruit on bottom version) is amazing for dieters!! It tastes delicious, fills you up, and has minimal calories. And like others have said, fruits are also great substitute. Just be wary of too much sugar.
  • Male, 23 5’ 9” Original S.W. (4/2018): 154 Challenge S.W: 140lbs Let’s do this
  • I feel you. I'm in the same exact boat. For me whenever I want to eat something tasty I tell myself I have to go run a mile or exercise for 10 minutes first. Then by the time I'm done a) I'm less stressed and make the decision not to eat and b) I lost a bunch of calories! If I'm still hungry I now have my willpower back to…
  • Thanks guys I think the biggest problem for me that you guys mentioned is willpower. Willpower to overcome the desire for the next cookie or slice of cake. Also all your weight losses are inspiring and I'll try to stay a part of this community as I work towards my goal.
  • Use a scale to confirm your results first. Maybe you did lose weight and your measurements aren't consistent. I don't know your stats but I as a 5' 9'' 145 pound male find that I have to cut my calories to at least 1200 to lose any significant amount of weight, as I have a slow metabolism. Maybe your metabolism which could…
  • Wow, and here I am can't even lose 10 pounds. Props to you dude!