Pegsworld1 Member


  • Yes! I'm definitely going to do this. I will make it a family thing and we will all be healthier. That's my goal. Get my son away from chicken nuggets and eating more fresh foods. He loves all fruit but veggies have been a bit tougher and getting him to try anything new. I make my own Mac and cheese and refuse to give him…
  • Thanks for the positivity ! I'm definitely going to stick with it. I have no choice. Something's gotta work eventually. And yes I understand the 9 months on 9 months off thing but was hoping I could get lucky and pull a Kim K. or Jessica Simpson before my wedding lol guess it really doesn't work like that for us normal…
  • You may be right ! That's would be one extremely expensive error for them to have made. My last delivery is this Friday. I would only allow myself to pay for this for two months. This weekend I will start food prepping actually. I've never done it before so hopefully it's not too difficult or time consuming. With a toddler…
  • I have a local fesh meal delivery company preparing and measuring my meals so that isn't an issue. Maybe hormones?? I'm lost. We are similar. How much have you lost and how long is it taking you?
  • Thank you and you are probably right. I'm rushing things and need to relax. I just wish this wedding wasn't so soon. What was I thinking ??! Lol
  • Good for you for staying away from the scale! It's driving me crazy. I do agree that it could be hormones - but I feel like they should be back to normal by now (8weeks). The first one took over a year to lose weight but that was with minimal working out and not much dieting. It's frustrating to be doing everything right…
  • It's a glass. About 6oz and usually Pinot noir. I've been using a local fresh meal delivery company so my portions are weighed out for me This is why I feel so lost. I feel like I'm doing everything right and not seeing results.
  • You know I started to think the same thing about the meals but they are being delivered by a local, reputable company that many friends have used while training for competitions and have lost a ton of weight :/
  • Thank you! I've heard it's harder the second time around to lose the weight - I just didn't imagine it being this hard. And I agree diet pills aren't the best option but I'm desperate and feel so stuck :/ continuing on with diet and exercise for sure.
  • Hi all! Thanks for your comments. I should first say that I am NOT breast feeding any longer. Should've made that clear from beginning. Age: 32 Height:5'6 Pre pregnancy : 130 Current: 173 Delivered at: 194 Yes I gained a lot! I did with first preg too but weight came off. Most of my weight came off within the first couple…
  • Hello everyone and congratulations on your pregnancies! I am due May 8th and recently found out we are having a little GIRL! Super excited as I already have a 2 year old little boy. I am doing my best to stay healthy and active but it's been quite a challenge. The first 15 weeks I was extremely sick and nauseous. Now, I am…
  • Week 0 starting weight 146. Excited to shed some lbs!!!
  • Hi Everyone, I'm so happy to find a group with similar goals as myself! I am 32 years old and have a toddler who just turned 2. My goal is to feel like me again - happy and healthy. I gained a whopping 80 lbs while pregnant (wasn't the easiest pregnancy) and managed to lose most of the weight within my babies first year. I…
  • I'm in! So glad to find your post as my goals are similar. Do u have a plan of action?