8 weeks postpartum - no weight loss. Help!



  • Pegsworld1
    Pegsworld1 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you weighing all foods and measuring all liquids? I started MFP to lose the weight I gained from eating over my TDEE during my second pregnancy, and even with exercise, I lost 0 lbs for about 7 weeks. I didn't start to see a shift in weight until I started weighing/measuring my food and eating within my calorie goal (plus exercise, because MFP uses the NEAT method). Once I started doing that I lost 1-1.5 lbs per week, and our stats are similar (5'7", started at 180 lbs).

    I have a local fesh meal delivery company preparing and measuring my meals so that isn't an issue. Maybe hormones?? I'm lost. We are similar. How much have you lost and how long is it taking you?
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Are you weighing all foods and measuring all liquids? I started MFP to lose the weight I gained from eating over my TDEE during my second pregnancy, and even with exercise, I lost 0 lbs for about 7 weeks. I didn't start to see a shift in weight until I started weighing/measuring my food and eating within my calorie goal (plus exercise, because MFP uses the NEAT method). Once I started doing that I lost 1-1.5 lbs per week, and our stats are similar (5'7", started at 180 lbs).

    I have a local fesh meal delivery company preparing and measuring my meals so that isn't an issue. Maybe hormones?? I'm lost. We are similar. How much have you lost and how long is it taking you?

    Perhaps take a photo of one of the 350 cal meals and post it. Also like another poster stated you might just need to give it more time.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Are you weighing all foods and measuring all liquids? I started MFP to lose the weight I gained from eating over my TDEE during my second pregnancy, and even with exercise, I lost 0 lbs for about 7 weeks. I didn't start to see a shift in weight until I started weighing/measuring my food and eating within my calorie goal (plus exercise, because MFP uses the NEAT method). Once I started doing that I lost 1-1.5 lbs per week, and our stats are similar (5'7", started at 180 lbs).

    I have a local fesh meal delivery company preparing and measuring my meals so that isn't an issue. Maybe hormones?? I'm lost. We are similar. How much have you lost and how long is it taking you?

    Just a point - while fresh is awesome from a health point of view, it doesn't mean automatic weight loss. Same with the Paleo diet. A lot of Paleo foods are very calorie dense. Being slightly off in measuring could result in extra calories very easily.
    Like I said, if you trust them, then carry on. I also understand you probably aren't in a position to start prepping all the food yourself.
    But my first thought would be a possible error on their end, not even intentionally.
  • Pegsworld1
    Pegsworld1 Posts: 16 Member
    Are you weighing all foods and measuring all liquids? I started MFP to lose the weight I gained from eating over my TDEE during my second pregnancy, and even with exercise, I lost 0 lbs for about 7 weeks. I didn't start to see a shift in weight until I started weighing/measuring my food and eating within my calorie goal (plus exercise, because MFP uses the NEAT method). Once I started doing that I lost 1-1.5 lbs per week, and our stats are similar (5'7", started at 180 lbs).

    I have a local fesh meal delivery company preparing and measuring my meals so that isn't an issue. Maybe hormones?? I'm lost. We are similar. How much have you lost and how long is it taking you?

    Just a point - while fresh is awesome from a health point of view, it doesn't mean automatic weight loss. Same with the Paleo diet. A lot of Paleo foods are very calorie dense. Being slightly off in measuring could result in extra calories very easily.
    Like I said, if you trust them, then carry on. I also understand you probably aren't in a position to start prepping all the food yourself.
    But my first thought would be a possible error on their end, not even intentionally.

    You may be right ! That's would be one extremely expensive error for them to have made. My last delivery is this Friday. I would only allow myself to pay for this for two months. This weekend I will start food prepping actually. I've never done it before so hopefully it's not too difficult or time consuming. With a toddler and newborn - I have limited time. Gonna do everything on Sunday afternoon for the week. We shall see. Wish me luck!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Since you're just getting started in the food prepping - get in the habit of the toddler eating the same foods you eat. (Different portions of course.) I never understood the theory behind feeding kids 'kid food' and making different food for the adults. Teaches the kids to avoid variety, and makes more work for the parents! There is a downside though. My 12, 14, 16 year old likes steak, salmon, shrimp, etc. And my 12 year old finished off my garden veggies yesterday without letting me know we were out of cucumbers.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    PLEASE don't do what I did... I was so frustrated that the weight wasn't coming off easier after my second that I "fell off the wagon" and proceeded to gain 30 lbs... Making me heavier than when I was PG. Keep doing what you are doing and give yourself a huge pat on the back for jumping right into healthy eating and exercise right after having a baby. It takes time. 9 months on, 9 months off. You said you have a wedding in November? That is 5 months away... even if you are only 5/9ths of the way to were you want to be, you will look amazing!

    It takes a year for your body to return to normal after giving birth. A whole year. For hormones to level off and body parts to go back the way they were. My second son is now almost 14 months old and I only just felt normal/back to my old self again about a month or so ago. Patience. Have patience.
  • Cpollard6608
    Cpollard6608 Posts: 22 Member
    I may be way off here, but if you are having a company deliver and prepare food for you, it may be higher in sodium than you think. Often times prepared food is saturated with sodium even if no additional salt is included in the prep. Also, your body is working double time to repair tissue from C-Section and retain all fluids possible for breast feeding. You very well could be eating at a deficit and burning some fat, but with the inherent water retention post-surgery and delivery it can be a real annoyance. Also, you are still losing pregnancy weight at a more than appropriate pace given you are only eight weeks. Best of luck and stay the course! I know how difficult it is with a little one around and I am not the one doing the feedings haha!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Since you're just getting started in the food prepping - get in the habit of the toddler eating the same foods you eat. (Different portions of course.) I never understood the theory behind feeding kids 'kid food' and making different food for the adults. Teaches the kids to avoid variety, and makes more work for the parents! There is a downside though. My 12, 14, 16 year old likes steak, salmon, shrimp, etc. And my 12 year old finished off my garden veggies yesterday without letting me know we were out of cucumbers.

    Yes, this. My 3 and 5 year old eat the same meals we do. I have those two and my newborn and my husband works shifts, so it's just me and them 5 evenings in a row every fortnight, and I still cook. I just do easy stuff like chicken or fish and veg, or a jacket potato and tuna. I sometimes make a meal like spaghetti bolognaise at the weekend and save some so all I need to do is cook some pasta. In the winter I do things like shepherds pie and stew and usually get 3 days worth of meals out of those.

    My 3 year old likes everything. She used to steal my Graze snacks. She likes to eat apple and peanut butter. They eat quinoa, nuts, veggies, fruit etc.
  • Pegsworld1
    Pegsworld1 Posts: 16 Member
    PLEASE don't do what I did... I was so frustrated that the weight wasn't coming off easier after my second that I "fell off the wagon" and proceeded to gain 30 lbs... Making me heavier than when I was PG. Keep doing what you are doing and give yourself a huge pat on the back for jumping right into healthy eating and exercise right after having a baby. It takes time. 9 months on, 9 months off. You said you have a wedding in November? That is 5 months away... even if you are only 5/9ths of the way to were you want to be, you will look amazing!

    It takes a year for your body to return to normal after giving birth. A whole year. For hormones to level off and body parts to go back the way they were. My second son is now almost 14 months old and I only just felt normal/back to my old self again about a month or so ago. Patience. Have patience.

    Thanks for the positivity ! I'm definitely going to stick with it. I have no choice. Something's gotta work eventually. And yes I understand the 9 months on 9 months off thing but was hoping I could get lucky and pull a Kim K. or Jessica Simpson before my wedding lol guess it really doesn't work like that for us normal folk ;) thanks again for the encouraging words!
  • Pegsworld1
    Pegsworld1 Posts: 16 Member
    Since you're just getting started in the food prepping - get in the habit of the toddler eating the same foods you eat. (Different portions of course.) I never understood the theory behind feeding kids 'kid food' and making different food for the adults. Teaches the kids to avoid variety, and makes more work for the parents! There is a downside though. My 12, 14, 16 year old likes steak, salmon, shrimp, etc. And my 12 year old finished off my garden veggies yesterday without letting me know we were out of cucumbers.

    Yes, this. My 3 and 5 year old eat the same meals we do. I have those two and my newborn and my husband works shifts, so it's just me and them 5 evenings in a row every fortnight, and I still cook. I just do easy stuff like chicken or fish and veg, or a jacket potato and tuna. I sometimes make a meal like spaghetti bolognaise at the weekend and save some so all I need to do is cook

    some pasta. In the winter I do things like shepherds pie and stew and usually get 3 days worth of meals out of those.

    My 3 year old likes everything. She used to steal my Graze snacks. She likes to eat apple and peanut butter. They eat quinoa, nuts, veggies, fruit etc.

    Yes! I'm definitely going to do this. I will make it a family thing and we will all be healthier. That's my goal. Get my son away from chicken nuggets and eating more fresh foods. He loves all fruit but veggies have been a bit tougher and getting him to try anything new. I make my own Mac and cheese and refuse to give him boxed but I'd still love to see him eat a chicken breast. We shall see. Do you food prep? If so, how long does the cooked food stay good in the refrigerator? If I make on Sunday will they last through Friday? Thanks :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Since you're just getting started in the food prepping - get in the habit of the toddler eating the same foods you eat. (Different portions of course.) I never understood the theory behind feeding kids 'kid food' and making different food for the adults. Teaches the kids to avoid variety, and makes more work for the parents! There is a downside though. My 12, 14, 16 year old likes steak, salmon, shrimp, etc. And my 12 year old finished off my garden veggies yesterday without letting me know we were out of cucumbers.

    Yes, this. My 3 and 5 year old eat the same meals we do. I have those two and my newborn and my husband works shifts, so it's just me and them 5 evenings in a row every fortnight, and I still cook. I just do easy stuff like chicken or fish and veg, or a jacket potato and tuna. I sometimes make a meal like spaghetti bolognaise at the weekend and save some so all I need to do is cook

    some pasta. In the winter I do things like shepherds pie and stew and usually get 3 days worth of meals out of those.

    My 3 year old likes everything. She used to steal my Graze snacks. She likes to eat apple and peanut butter. They eat quinoa, nuts, veggies, fruit etc.

    Yes! I'm definitely going to do this. I will make it a family thing and we will all be healthier. That's my goal. Get my son away from chicken nuggets and eating more fresh foods. He loves all fruit but veggies have been a bit tougher and getting him to try anything new. I make my own Mac and cheese and refuse to give him boxed but I'd still love to see him eat a chicken breast. We shall see. Do you food prep? If so, how long does the cooked food stay good in the refrigerator? If I make on Sunday will they last through Friday? Thanks :)

    I don't generally prep, just cook a chicken breast when I need it for dinner. I like to cook it in white wine vinegar with a bit of olive oil and some paprika. My kids love it. They also love fish, just breaded cod or whatever from the supermarket. I often bake a potato with it, and then mash that up as the kids don't like the skins. Then I do carrots, broccoli and peas in the microwave. Simple and healthy!

    When my husband's on early shift it's easier and we can make more interesting meals!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    PLEASE don't do what I did... I was so frustrated that the weight wasn't coming off easier after my second that I "fell off the wagon" and proceeded to gain 30 lbs... Making me heavier than when I was PG. Keep doing what you are doing and give yourself a huge pat on the back for jumping right into healthy eating and exercise right after having a baby. It takes time. 9 months on, 9 months off. You said you have a wedding in November? That is 5 months away... even if you are only 5/9ths of the way to were you want to be, you will look amazing!

    It takes a year for your body to return to normal after giving birth. A whole year. For hormones to level off and body parts to go back the way they were. My second son is now almost 14 months old and I only just felt normal/back to my old self again about a month or so ago. Patience. Have patience.

    Thanks for the positivity ! I'm definitely going to stick with it. I have no choice. Something's gotta work eventually. And yes I understand the 9 months on 9 months off thing but was hoping I could get lucky and pull a Kim K. or Jessica Simpson before my wedding lol guess it really doesn't work like that for us normal folk ;) thanks again for the encouraging words!

    Their money would be nice - someone to cook for you and personal training sessions every day, not to mention probably having a gym and swimming pool at home! Hmm, not sure I'd want Kim K's fat *kitten* though!