eisners Member


  • My why is a mix of vanity and health. I want to be a healthy fit person who can be around to see my great grand kids. I also was sick of dealing with IBS. My blood work and blood pressure look great but I know it will eventually catch up with me. I also am very vain. I want to be thin to be my best self. I use to get…
  • I will be half the person too when I lose it all! Crazy to think about and really exciting.
  • I am hoping to be under 200 in the next 8 months. I am maid of honor in a wedding next year and will not be the fat bridesmaid again! It is just not going to happen. I never though I would be over 200 and now I am over 300! I have been really loving my overnight fridge oatmeal. It is really filling, under 500 calories and…
  • awesome suggestions! Thank you!
  • Have been taking Wellbutrin for three weeks now and I have really seen the benefits. I am not snacking......at all. My depression is really improving and my overall outlook on life is better. Instead of saying I am going to work out and eat right, I just do it. Haven't missed a workout since being on 300mg a day. It is…
  • I am not new to MFP but it is the first time I am using it religiously. I feel a little overwhelmed that I have 151lbs to lose and that the scale just tipped over 300 to 301. I vowed never to get to that weight.....and here I am. I will literally be half my size when I meet my goal weight. I will be so excited to be there…
  • Love the five long miles DVD. That way if I need a rest day I can only do two miles with the warm up and cool down. Didn't realize how hard of a workout I could get from these! At mile 4 I am drenched in sweat!
  • Thanks everyone for the replies. I tend to drink Bacardi and diet coke when I drink or a dry white wine. I will stick with the Bacardi from now on and make sure I am tracking on the weekends. I tend to get so busy that I forget to log food on the weekends. I know this is a process. Unfortunately I can not just order salads…